Android Wireless Mic: Settings
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Android Wireless Mic: Settings

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Article summary

When you tap the Settings gear icon in the lower-right corner of the screen, you are taken to the Settings screen where you have the following options:

Voice Shortcut Timeout

This setting allows you to configure the length of time in seconds that the app will stay in record mode to record a voice shortcut command before automatically stopping the recording and running your shortcut. It is set to 3 seconds by default. Tap the plus (+) or minus (-) to change the setting. While using voice shortcuts, you can also tap the voice shortcut button to stop recording sooner.

Voice shortcuts do not work with nVoq Voice.

Support Center

Clicking on this link will take you directly to the online documentation for the nVoq Wireless Microphone for Android. 

Terms of Use

Clicking on this link will take you to nVoq's legal page. 

Change Password

Tap Change Password to change your password in all nVoq applications.

  • Changing your password here resets your password for the Wireless Mic app as well as for all other nVoq products including (but not limited to) nVoq Voice and nVoq Administrator.
  • As you type into the New Password field, colored bars and the words "Very weak" (red bar), "Medium" (orange bar), or "Strong" (green bar) appear below the field. When you have entered a password that meets the strength requirement for your account* a green checkmark is displayed to the right of the field.
  • Your password strength requirement is listed above the Old Password field.
*The strength requirement of your password is configured at the division level for your organization.
If your account has an Administrator Role your password must be "medium" regardless of what is configured for your division.
  • Click the eye icon on the right side of the password field to see the characters you type. 
  • As you type into the Confirm New Password field, the outline of the field is red until you enter the password that matches the one you entered in the New Password field.
  • The Change button will not become active until an acceptable password has been entered into the New Password field and into the Confirm New Password field.
    Your new password must match the division's password strength (and cannot be higher).
    In the current release there is a known issue in which your new password must match your division's assigned password strength exactly and cannot be a higher strength password. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.
    Possible error messages after you tap the Change Password button include:
  • Old password must match current password - The password your entered in the Old Password field does not match the password currently set for your account. If you don't know your password, use the Forgot Password link on the sign in screen to create a new one.
  • New and confirm not matching - The password you typed in the New Password field is different than the one you typed in the Confirm New Password field. Tap on the eye icon in both password fields to see what you typed into each field.
  • Password has been used previously - Your organization prevents a certain number of previous nVoq passwords from being reused. The number of previous nVoq passwords that cannot be reused is configured in nVoq Administrator for your division-level organization.

Select Input Device

The Wireless Microphone app detects when other microphones are connected to the Android device via microphone input jack or Bluetooth and allows you to select the one you'd like to use to record audio through the app. 

  • A microphone physically plugged in to the input jack will be listed under "default" and you can start using it for dictation immediately.
  • A microphone connected via Bluetooth will need to be selected in order to use it for dictation.
  1. Tap Select Input Device on the Settings screen to see a list of microphones connected to the device.
  2. Tap the recording device
If the microphone becomes disconnected from your device, dictation will continue seamlessly using the default microphone. 


Tap the About option to view the version of the Wireless Microphone that is running on your device and to see if you are running the latest version that is available in the Google Play store.

Sign Out

To log out of the app, go the Settings screen and tap Sign Out. When asked if you are sure you want to sign out, tap Yes.