Topic Update: 05-18-2023
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Topic Update: 05-18-2023

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Article Summary

Accuracy - General

  • Missing Words in Transcripts - We have received multiple complaints from our customers that some transcripts are missing words although they are clearly spoken. In most cases, we were able to correct the specific problems through targeted model tuning.  However, we suspect this issue may continue in other cases.  We are still investigating a more general solution. Currently, the best course of action is to correct the problematic transcripts so that our "monthly harvesting of corrections" process can add them to the topics.  No support tickets are needed. (D-13079) 
  • New drugs/devices- Corpus and dictionary support for new drugs and medical devices (from FDA) for March 2023 have been added. (B-17113)
  • Corrections added to All Topics - Transcripts that were corrected during March 2023 have been added to their corresponding Topic's corpus . New words found in these corrections have been added to the dictionary. (B-17112)
  • Spinal markers- Abutting and non-abutting spinal marker pairs along with spinal marker pair ranges now return more consistently following these rules (B-17093):
    1.  Adjacent spinal markers return consistently when speaking (to| hyphen | dash | no connector) between markers
      1. C one to C two --> C1-C2
      2. C one hyphen C two --> C1-C2
      3. C one dash C two --> C1-C2
      4. C one C two --> C1-C2
      5. C one two --C1-2     
      6. C two dash C three dash C four --> C2-C3-C4
      7. T seven to eight --> T7-8 
    2. Nonadjacent spinal markers return consistently when speaking "to" and "through" between markers  
      1. C one to C three --> C1 to C3
      2. C one through C four --> C1 through C4
    3.  Nonadjacent spinal markers return consistently when speaking  (hyphen | dash | no connector) between markers
      1. C one hyphen C four --> C1-C4
      2. C one dash C four --> C1-C4
      3.  C one C four --> C1-C4
      4. C one four --> C1-4
      5. L two dash L three dash L five --> L2-L3-L5
    4. Adjacent and nonadjacent spinal markers return consistently when speaking "slash"
      1. C one slash C two --> C1/C2
      2. C one slash C four --> C1/C4
    5.  Spinal marker ranges return consistently when speaking "to" or "through" 
      1. L three L four through L five S one --> L3-L4 through L5-S1
      2. L three L four to L five S one --> L3-L4 to L5-S1

Adjacent spinal markers with the "through" connector will return with the word "through" spelled out. For example "C one through C two" will return "C1 through C2"

Spinal markers with the "to" connector like "C one to three" or "T eight to nine" do not return consistently. This issue will be addressed later under B-17226. After the fix these cases will return as "C1-3" and "T8-9"

Accuracy - Radiology

  • Radiology Topic- Improved radiology weighting (B-17165)
  • Terms- Several Radiology specific terms were fixed so that they return consistently with the correct spelling and format. (B-17180)
      1. "Sub-centimeter" now returns as "subcentimeter"
      2. "end plate(s)" returns as "endplate(s)"
      3. "hemi diaphram(s") returns as "hemidiaphram(s)"
      4. "two|three|four-view(s)" now return as "two|three|four view(s)" (dash removed)
      5. "plate like" returns as "platelike"
      6. “aorto iliac” as “aortoiliac”
      7.  "abdominal pelvic" returns as  "abdominalpelvic"
      8. “flair” returns as “FLAIR”
      9.  “extra axial” returns as  “extra-axial” 
      10.  "age related” returns as “age-related” 
      11.  “cc and MLO” returns as “CC and MLO”
      12. “mild to moderate” returns as “mild-to-moderate”