iOS Wireless Mic: Version
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iOS Wireless Mic: Version

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Article Summary

To view version information for the nVoq Wireless Microphone:

  1. Tap the gear icon in the lower-right corner of the screen to go the Settings screen.settings-button-19-0-0
  2. On the Settings screen tap About to view the version of the Wireless Microphone that you are running on your device.settings-screen-about
    • If you are running the latest version that is available for your device, a message will let you know that the app is up to date, and display the current version that is running on your device.about-up-to-date-19-0-0
    • If you are not running the latest version on your device, a message will let you know that there is a newer version available, and display the version that is currently running on your device as well as the newer version number that is available on the Apple App Store.about-new-version-available-19-0-0