Admin: Account Properties
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Admin: Account Properties

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Article Summary

On the Properties tab of the Edit Account page you can view properties such as the user's last used operating system, or the type of microphone being used. Properties can also be restored to their original settings. 

All properties do not show up automatically for all users. For example, the "Wireless Mic On" property only appears after the user enables the Wireless Microphone setting on the nVoq.Voice Settings screen.


Restore Account Properties

Ensure that the user is logged out of their account before restoring account properties!

To restore an account property:

  1. Ensure that the user is logged out of the account.
  2. Put a checkmark beside the property that you wish to restore. 


  1. Click the Restore Selected button at the bottom right of the page.


General Account Properties

SayIt and AgentAssist account properties were removed from this list in March 2024.
SayIt/AgentAssist was only available on the Secure system, which was retired on March 1, 2024.

Account Id

An account setting from the Zuora billing system. (example: A-00024525)

Account Setting Default

This setting tells you whether or not the user has changed their time zone from the default setting in the administrator console. The default setting is Denver - Mountain. (example: false)

Admin Account Columns

These are the columns selected from the Customize Columns window on the Accounts page (if something other than the default was ever selected).

Admin Review And Correct Columns

These are the columns selected from the Customize Columns window on the Review & Correct page (if something other than the default was ever selected).

Advanced Paste

This is a GROUP organization setting that no longer applies to any nVoq application, but it can be enabled on the Add or Edit Organization page for a group, so it can still appear in account properties.
This setting only applies to SayIt running dictation and/or voice shortcuts. "True" indicates that this setting is turned on (enabled) for the user either in SayIt or in nVoq.Administrator. When Advanced Paste is on, dictation transcripts or shortcut text appears where the cursor is when the hotkey is released. Advanced Paste uses the Windows Paste function to copy the contents of the clipboard into an application. This feature is used when a user pastes text (either via dictation or shortcut) into certain applications, such as on a Remote Desktop session. This setting can be configured in nVoq.Administrator (on the Organizations page at the Group level under SayIt client Options) or in the SayIt client on the Options menu. (example: true)

At Capacity

A single user account can only have a maximum of four (4) WebSocket dictation jobs running on the dictation server simultaneously, and if this property shows "True" this user has the maximum number of jobs running that are allowed.

Auto Profile

This property indicates that the user account will automatically store acoustic information from dictations to "learn" the user's voice and pronunciations and help increase dictation accuracy. This setting is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.

Auto Sign In

If "True", the Auto Sign In setting on nVoq Voice is enabled. This setting is enabled in Voice by default.

Average RMS Energy

"RMS" stands for "Root Mean Square". Average RMS Energy is perceived loudness of the audio signal. (example: 402.6301666591698)

Did you know...     
RMS is used to characterize the “average” of a continuous varying signal, like audio. Between the minimum (the quietest sections of the audio) and the loudest section (the peak) is where the RMS value can be found.
Diagnostics Mode

If "True", TRACE level logging is enabled for the user. This will enable extra debugging information to be written to the log, and the log will be automatically collected in nVoq.Administrator when the user logs out of the dictation/shortcut client. This can be enabled on the nVoq Administrator Logging page.

Diagnostic Mode Endtime Millis

This is the date (displayed in Unix time in milliseconds) that diagnostic logging will end (or last ended) for the account. If logging was disabled (as opposed to expired), this will say 0.
(example: 1462116066936, which converts to Sun May 01 2016 09:21:06 GMT-0600) You can convert a millisecond value to a date string at 

Did you know...     
Unix time is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds. Unix time in milliseconds is the most preferable format for date-times for the API as it is the most portable.

First Login

This is the date (displayed in Unix time in milliseconds) since the first time the user logged in to a dictation/shortcut client. (example: 1461873065634, which converts to Thu Apr 28 2016 13:51:05 GMT-0600) You can convert a millisecond value to a date string at

Did you know...     
Unix time is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds. Unix time in milliseconds is the most preferable format for date-times for the API as it is the most portable.

 Items per Page (Items_per_page)

This property shows the number of item lines of information that is presented per page in nVoq Administrator. This setting is configurable in the Administrator Settings. (example: 100)

Last Mic Mixer Name

This property reports name of the user's current audio recording device (microphone). (example: Plantronics Blackwire C210 M)
TIP: You do not want to see something like, "Microphone Array" here, as this likely indicates that the user was recording with the computer's internal microphone. 

  • If the user is using the nVoq Wireless Microphone app with their iPhone or Android device you will see "Wireless Microphone" here. Note that if the user has both an Android and an iOS device, there is currently no way to tell from this property which was last used or is currently being used.
  • If using nVoq Voice the default microphone setting on that application is "Default microphone" and you will see that listed here. The default microphone is the microphone set as the default for the user's computer, and there is no way to tell what type of microphone that is from this property in this case.

Last Request Ip

This is the host and location of the user's last log in. (example:

Did you know... 
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. It's a network address for your computer so the Internet knows where to send you emails, data, and pictures of cats.

Last Shortcut Add Time

This is the date (displayed in Unix time in milliseconds) since the last account shortcut was created.(example: 1541602987605, which converts to Wed Nov 07 2018 08:03:07 GMT-0700)
You can convert a millisecond value to a date string at

Did you know...
Unix time is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds. Unix time in milliseconds is the most preferable format for date-times for the API as it is the most portable.

Last Substitution Add Time

This is the date (displayed in Unix time in milliseconds) since the last organization substitution was added to the user's organization. (example: 1557941259117, which converts to Wed May 15 2019 11:27:39 GMT-0600)
You can convert a millisecond value to a date string at

Did you know...
Unix time is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds. Unix time in milliseconds is the most preferable format for date-times for the API as it is the most portable.

Launch On Startup

If "True", the Launch on Startup setting on nVoq Voice is enabled. This setting is enabled in nVoq Voice by default.

Note Assist Shortcut Hot Key

This property lists the keyboard key that is configured to open the Note Assist window in nVoq.Voice. This property is only listed if the user has changed the default hotkey (BACK_QUOTE) to something else. If a modifier key is used along with another key (for example, the Ctrl key with the F1 key), the modifier key will be listed under Note Assist Shortcut Hot Key Modifiers.

Note Assist Shortcut Hot Key Modifiers

This lists the modifier key (if any) that the user has configured --along with another key-- to open the Note Assist window in nVoq.Voice. A modifier key is a special key on a computer keyboard, like the Alt key, the Shift key, or the Control (Ctrl) key, that temporarily modifies the normal action of another key when pressed together. For example, the Ctrl key when pressed with the C key will copy. In that example, the Control key is the "modifier key". The Note Assist Shortcut Hot Key Modifiers property is only listed if the user has changed the default hotkey. If the user has chosen only one key for the hotkey (such as F10 with no modifier key), this property will be blank.

N Voq Voice Version

This is the version number of the nVoq.Voice client. This is the same as the version number shown in the About screen in the client itself. (example: 15.2.0)


This is the group level organization to which the account belongs. If the account does not have client access, you do not see this property. (example: Analysts.Boulder (Group)) 

O S Name

This property lists the name of the computer Operating System (OS) on which the user is running the AgentAssist client. (example: Windows 10)

O S Version

This property lists the version of the computer Operating System (OS) on which the user is running the AgentAssist client. (example: 10.0)

PTT Hot Key Modifiers

This lists the modifier key (if any) that the user has configured --along with another key-- to record dictation in nVoq Voice. A modifier key is a special key on a computer keyboard, like the Alt key, the Shift key, or the Control (Ctrl) key, that temporarily modifies the normal action of another key when pressed together. For example, the Ctrl key when pressed with the C key will copy. In that example, the Ctrl key is the "modifier Key. The PTT Hot Key Modifiers property is only listed if the user has changed the default hotkey from the setting configured for the group in the administrator console. If the user has chosen only one key for the hotkey (such as F10 with no modifier key), this property will be blank. 

Recognizer Type

This setting only applies to voice shortcuts. The voice shortcut matching recognition engine. (example: Nuance)

Record Hotkey

This property lists the keyboard key that is configured to record dictation in nVoq Voice. The Record Hotkey property is only listed if the user has changed the default hotkey from the setting configured for the group in the administrator console. If a modifier key is used along with another key (for example, the Ctrl key with the F1 key), the modifier key will be listed under PTT Hot Key Modifiers. 

Retain Audio Duration

This is how long audio from shortcuts and dictations is stored in Administrator for review on the Review & Correct page. It's set on the Organizations page at the Group level. The default value is 365 days. (example: 365)

Retain Text Duration

This is how long text from shortcuts and dictations is stored in the Administrator console for review on the Review & Correct page. It's set on the Organizations page at the Group level. The default value is 365 days. (example: 365)  

Selected Topic

This is the dictation topic set by the user in nVoq Voice or Mobile Voice. This is only saved as an account property if the topic is changed by the user from the default. The default topic for Voice and Mobile Voice is the topic configured for the group in Administrator. The user can change the dictation topic on the Settings screen in either application. 

Session Timeout (Session_timeout)

This property will show either 15 or 30, which is the length of inactivity (in minutes) after which the user is automatically logged out of nVoq.Administrator. This setting is configurable in the nVoq.Administrator Settings.

Shortcut Hotkey

This setting only applies to voice shortcuts. This property lists the keyboard key that is configured to record voice shortcuts. The Shortcut Hotkey property is only listed if the user has changed the default hotkey from the setting configured for the group in Administrator. If a modifier key is used along with another key (for example, the Ctrl key with the F1 key), the modifier key will be listed under "Shortcut Hotkey Modifiers". 

Shortcut Hotkey Modifiers

This setting only applies to voice shortcuts. This lists the modifier key (if any) that the user has configured --along with another key-- to record voice shortcuts. A modifier key is a special key on a computer keyboard, like the Alt key, the Shift key, or the Control (Ctrl) key, that temporarily modifies the normal action of another key when pressed together. For example, the Ctrl key when pressed with the C key will copy. In that example, the Ctrl key is the "modifier Key. The Shortcut Hotkey Modifiers property is only listed if the user has changed the default hotkey from the setting configured for the group in Administrator. If the user has chosen only one key for the hotkey (such as F10 with no modifier key), this property will be blank. 


This is the name of the tenant to which the user belongs. The tenant name is configured on the Tenants page at the system level in nVoq.Administrator. (example: nVoq.Training)

Tenant Db

This is a more human-readable form of the Tenant UUID created by the database that is used in log messages and also in API requests.  (example: nvoq_training_tenant)

Tenant UUID

A universally unique identifier (UUID) is created by the database and used to identify a specific tenant in a computer system. It's used to ensure that tenant settings and configurations are propagated to the user. (example: IK_Isi4UcD3DQYBAQIhBBA)

Upload Client Log Mode

Upload Client Log Mode is enabled when client logs are requested from the server.

Voice Paste Delay

This is the paste delay property saved from nVoq.Voice and is the amount of time in milliseconds that nVoq.Voice will delay the paste action into the target application. This property will only appear in the account properties if the user has changed the Paste Delay setting from the default (30 ms). (example: 50)

Voice Shortcuts Enabled

This property is not applicable for nVoq Voice or Mobile Voice.
This property indicates whether or not voice shortcuts have been enabled for the user. Voice shortcuts can be enabled or disabled in nVoq.Administrator on the Add or Edit Account page under Options (Voice Shortcuts checkbox). 

Voice Speech Bubble

This property indicates whether or not the dictation speech bubble is enabled in nVoq.Voice. This property appears only if the speech bubble setting was modified from the default setting. The setting is on ("true") by default but can be disabled or re-enabled in the nVoq.Voice Settings.

Voiceless Shortcut Hotkey

This is the popup hotkey for nVoq.Voice. This property only appears after the hotkey has been changed from the default (F4) at least once. The property remains in the list even if the hotkey is changed back to the default (F4).

Voiceless Shortcut Hot Key Modifiers

A modifier key is a key that modifies the action of another key when the two are pressed together. Common modifier keys include Shift, Control, Alt, Command, Option, and Function. If the user selects a modifier key to be used in conjunction with another key as their Popup Shortcut hotkey (for example, Alt + Q), this property will list the modifier key selected. If the user has chosen only one key for the hotkey (such as F10 with no modifier key), this property will be blank. This property only appears along with the Voiceless Shortcut Hotkey property after the default hotkey for Popup shortcuts has been changed. 

WebSocket Enabled

This property is not applicable for nVoq Voice or Mobile Voice.
This property indicates whether or not WebSocket dictations have been enabled for the user on the nVoq Administrator Accounts page (on the "Fast Dictation" setting).
ISV Partners can specify whether the account will use WebSocket dictation via API, but if they don't the behavior will default to what is selected on the Accounts page.

Wireless Mic On

This property is listed as "TRUE" if the user has the Wireless Microphone setting toggled on in the nVoq Voice Settings menu. You can look at the Last Mic Mixer Name account property to see if the Wireless Microphone app was used as the last recording device OR look at the Timeline tab on the Review & Correct page to see which microphone was used for a specific dictation.
You will see account properties for both Android Wireless Mic and iOS Wireless Mic if the user has used both with the same account.


iOS nVoq.Wireless Microphone Account Properties

The following account properties are available for customers using the iOS Wireless Microphone app. 

W Mic Device Model

This is the model number of the iOS device on which the Wireless Microphone app is installed (example: iPhone 6S).
This property may list the device code type or "machine ID" instead of the device product name. For example, a user with an iPhone 11 may have this property listed as "iPhone12,1" instead of "iPhone 11". The account property will be updated with the correct information when the user signs in on the 16.1.00 version of the iOS Wireless Microphone app.

W Mic Device Name

This is the name of the device on which the Wireless Microphone app is installed (example: Angie's iPhone). 

W Mic Device Type

This is the type of iOS device on which the Wireless Microphone app is installed (example: iPhone).

W Mic i O S Version

This is the version number of the operating system running on the iOS device (example: 12.2).

W Mic Gain Volume

This setting, used to save user-input gain volume, was set by a slider on the Settings screen in the app which has since been removed.

W Mic Match Shortcut Time

This is the length of time after tapping the voice shortcut button that the app will automatically stop recording (and run a shortcut). It is set to 3 seconds by default. This property will only show up in the Account Properties list if the user changes the Voice Shortcut Timeout on the Settings screen of the app (example: 2.8000001907348633).

W Mic Ogg Compression

This setting was removed from the iOS Wireless Microphone settings screen in the 15.0.00 release.
This setting configured the compression of recordings. Originally a scale from 1 to 10, compression is now set for all users at 1 (most compression) to reduce bandwidth used. The property is no longer posted to properties from the account, but in the past this property would appear in account properties if the user changed it from the previous default setting (which was 5). Though the old user-set property may still appear listed for the account, all who are using the latest version of the app have their compression set at 1.

W Mic Shortcut Button First (Second, Third, or Fourth)

These properties indicate the name of the shortcut (if any) that is assigned to one of the four shortcut buttons on the dictation screen of the iOS app. Note that if the person uses the Wireless Mic app on both an Android and an iOS device, there could be different shortcuts assigned to these buttons on each type of device. 

W Mic Version

This is the version number of the Wireless Microphone app that is installed on the device (example:


Android nVoq.Wireless Microphone Account Properties

The following account properties are available for customers using the Android Wireless Microphone app. 

Android w Mic Android Version

This is the version number of the operating system running on the Android device (example: 9).

Android w Mic Device Product Model

This is the model number of the Android device on which the Wireless Microphone app is installed (example: Google Pixel 2).

Android w Mic S D K Version

The Software Development Kit platform (example: 28).

Android w Mic Version Code

This is the version number of the Wireless Microphone app that is installed on the device (example: 14100047).

Android w Mic Version Name

This is the also version number of the Wireless Microphone app that is installed on the device (example: 14.1.00 build 47).

Android w Mic Match Shortcut Time

This is the length of time after tapping the voice shortcut button that the app will automatically stop recording (and run a shortcut). It is set to 3 seconds by default. This property will only show up in the Account Properties list if the user changes the Voice Shortcut Timeout on the Settings screen of the app (example: 4.899998).

Android w Mic Ogg Compression

This setting was removed from the Android Wireless Microphone settings screen in the 15.2.00 release.
This setting configured the compression of recordings. Originally a scale from 1 to 10, compression is now set for all users at 1 (most compression) for all users to reduce bandwidth used. The property is no longer posted to properties from the account, but in the past this property would appear in account properties if the user changed it from the previous default setting (which was 1). Though the old user-set property may still appear listed for the account, all who are using the latest version of the app have their compression set at 1.

Android W Mic Shortcut Button (First, Second, Third, or Fourth)

These properties indicates the name of the shortcut (if any) that is assigned to one of the four quick access shortcut buttons on the dictation screen of the Android app. Note that if the person uses the Wireless Mic app on both an Android and an iOS device, there could be different shortcuts assigned to these buttons on each type of device.To restore this account property back to the default setting, both this AND the corresponding "Android W Mic Shortcut I D" (First, Second, Third, or Fourth) need to be selected before clicking the Restore Selected button at the bottom of the page.

Android W Mic Shortcut I D (First, Second, Third, or Fourth)

These properties indicates the numerical shortcut ID of the shortcut that is assigned to one of the four quick access shortcut buttons (if any) on the dictation screen of the Android app. A zero indicates that no shortcut is assigned to the button. Note that if the person uses the Wireless Mic app on both an Android and an iOS device, there could be different shortcuts assigned to these buttons on each type of device.To restore this account property back to the default setting, both this AND the corresponding "Android W Mic Shortcut Button" (First, Second, Third, or Fourth) need to be selected before clicking the Restore Selected button at the bottom of the page.


Android nVoq.Mobile Voice Account Properties

Dictation Keyboard Android Version

This is the version number of the operating system running on the Android device (example: 12).

Dictation Keyboard Device Product Model

This is the model number of the Android device on which Mobile Voice is installed (example: samsung SM-T220).

Dictation Keyboard S D K Version

The Software Development Kit platform (example: 31).

Dictation Keyboard Version Code

This is the version number of Mobile Voice that is installed on the device (example: 18000073).

Dictation Keyboard Version Name

This is the version number of Mobile Voice that is installed on the device (example: 18.0.0-73). This is the format that appears on the Review and Correct pages and the Product Usage report.

Dictation Keyboard Voice Compression

This setting was removed from the Mobile Voice Keyboard Settings screen in the 15.1.00 release.
It showed the setting configured by the user on the Voice Compression slider of the app. The possible values were from 1 (maximum compression) to 10 (minimum compression). In 15.1.00 the setting of 1 (maximum compression) was hard coded for all usersNote that if a user had changed this setting to anything other than "1" prior to the 15.1.00 upgrade, this account property will continue to say whatever the user set the property to, even though they are using a setting of "1". Compressed audio consumes less network data of the user's data plan.

Dictation Keyboard Subscription Method

This setting was removed from the Mobile Voice Keyboard Settings screen in the 15.1.00 release.
It showed whether dictations on the keyboard would return as HYPOTHESISTEXT or STABLETEXT.  All users on the 15.1.00 release or later have "HYPOTHESISTEXT" setting hard coded , regardless of any change that they may have made to this setting prior to this. Note that if a user had configured this setting to use "STABLETEXT" prior to the 15.1.00 upgrade, their Dictation Keyboard Subscription Method account property will continue to say "STABLETEXT" in the administrator console even though they are now using HYPOTHESISTEXT.  

This setting was for the keyboardonly and has nothing to do with the HYPOTHESIS  or STABLETEXT setting (e.g. "Direct Text" in SayIt) in the client/nVoq.Administrator for the account.

Dictation Keyboard Alternate Threshold

This setting was removed from the Mobile Voice Keyboard Settings screen in the 15.1.00 release.
This setting configured the minimum setting for displaying alternates. All users on the 15.1.00 release or later have the default setting of "1" hard coded , regardless of any prior change that they may have made to this setting. A setting of 1 means alternates will appear in a drop-down list if there is at least one alternative available from the dictation server for that word/phrase. This setting works in conjunction with the Dictation Keyboard Alternate Words property. 

Dictation Keyboard Alternate Words

This setting was removed from the Mobile Voice Keyboard Settings screen in the 15.1.00 release.
This setting configured the maximum number of words/phrases that would be displayed within a drop-down list if the dictation engine does not clearly understand words or phrases that are dictated. All users on the 15.1.00 release or later have the default setting of 5 hard coded, regardless of any prior change that they may have made to this setting. A setting of 5 means that up to five alternates may appear in the drop-down list, but fewer will be listed if fewer are available. This setting works in conjunction with the Dictation Keyboard Alternate Threshold property. 

Dictation Keyboard Suggestions URL

This account property shows a link to the text file that includes a user's predictive typing suggestions. The file is saved every hour and when a user signs out of the keyboard.