Speak at a conversational pace, just like you are talking to a colleague or a friend.
  • 1 Minute to read
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Speak at a conversational pace, just like you are talking to a colleague or a friend.

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Article Summary

Mobile Voice has an easier time picking up context when you speak at your normal pace, and will return your text faster when you do. The Words Per Minute message may help you do that. You can turn that on in the Settings (see Words Per Minute Message).

For tips on how to increase your dictated words per minute tap the menu keymenu-keyon the keyboard, then tap "Dictation Coaching Tips".

The link to Dictation Coaching Tips does not appear unless you are signed in to Mobile Voice.

While you are speaking, your audio is transmitted into the cloud and back again to your device at remarkable speeds. Go ahead…say what’s on your mind. When you’re finished talking, tap the mic and give nVoq a chance to paste the text before you move your cursor. 
