Topic Update: 10-26-2023
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Topic Update: 10-26-2023

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Article summary

Accuracy - General

  • Tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance-  "TT dash TG" was returning as "TT to TG" instead of "TT-TG." This issue has been resolved. (D-13328)
  • New drugs/devices- Corpus and dictionary support for new drugs and medical devices from FDA for August and September 2023 has been added. (B-17328, B-17346)
  • Dictionary Cleanup- Cleanup work of the dictionary continues.  This effort involves removing nonsensical words, correcting misspelled words and improving pronunciations of existing words.  (B-17314, B-17315)
  • Corpus Cleanup- Cleanup work of the topics corpus material continues.  This effort involves removing and correcting material containing misformatted text. (B-17340, B-17342, B-17324, B-17341)
  • Over and /- Sometimes "/" would return when the word "over" was spoken in between words. For example, "over the weekend" could return as "/ the weekend." This issue has been resolved. Now "/" only returns when "over" is spoken between two numbers. "BP is 115 over 80" will return as "BP is 115/80." (D-13332)
  • Fractions- Fixed problem with fractional measurements returning incorrectly. For example now when "two and one eighth inches" is spoken "2-1/8 in" will return. (D-13338)
  • Corrections added to All Topics- Transcripts that were corrected during August 2023 have been added to their corresponding Topic's corpus . New words found in these corrections have been added to the dictionary. (B-17327)
  • bx- Occasionally "bx" (a short hand for biopsy) was returning incorrectly. Extra support was added and now this abbreviation returns more consistently. (D-13334) 
  • Year followed by a letter- Sometimes when a single letter was dictated after a 4 digit year, the letter and year were getting combined. This issue has been fixed. (D-13348) 
  • mmHg- Dictating "<number> millimeters of mercury" will now always return "<number> mmHg".  (D-13314)
  • Are not R- Cleaned up instances of “R” in the corpus to improve language modeling for “are”.  Now the verb form will return instead of the letter when the context is for the verb. (D-13340)
  • Spinal Markers spoken with dash in between- Spinal marker numbers (whether adjacent or not), spoken with the word "dash" in between them, that reference the subsequent vertebra without the preceding alpha character, will now return the second number without the alpha in front. For example, speaking "C one dash two" will return "C1-2" and speaking "C one dash five" will return "C1-5". (D-13373) 

Accuracy - Pathology

  • Compound words-  Support for the following words was added so that they return correctly (B-17348)
    • decompositional
    • hemoaspiration
    • temporo-occipital
    • anterolaterally
    • hemoperitoneum
    • intraoral
    • parieto-occipital
    • posterolateral
    • posterolaterally
    • radiopaque
    • temporoparietal
    • hemidiaphragm

Accuracy - Radiology

  • Liver Imaging- Added support for LI-RADS (focused imaging study of the liver) (B-17349)