Topic Update: 12-05-2023
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Topic Update: 12-05-2023

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Article summary

Accuracy - General

  • Dictionary Cleanup- Cleanup work of the dictionary continues.  This effort involves removing nonsensical words, correcting misspelled words and improving pronunciations of existing words. (B-17401, B-17410, B-17439)

  • New drugs/devices- Corpus and dictionary support for new drugs and medical devices from FDA for October 2023 has been added. (B-17447)

  • Incorrect casing of letter a- A bug was identified wherein the letter "a" following a date spoken with a double digit year was incorrectly being capitalized. We've successfully resolved this issue across all scenarios, irrespective of whether the date includes slashes or not, or whether the year is spoken as two-digit or four-digit. (D-13405)

  • Graded Clothespins- Additional support has been added for "graded clothespins" so these words are now recognized correctly. (D-13412)

  • Support for Miscellaneous Words- It was reported that the following words were misrecognized or returned with incorrect casing. Additional corpus and dictionary support has been added to address this issue. (B-17450)

    1. unflappability

    2. physiotherapy

    3. REM AHI

    4. Lapiplasty

    5. Lapidus

Accuracy - Orthopedics

  • Graded Clothespins- Additional support has been added for "graded clothespins" so these words are now recognized correctly. (D-13412)

Accuracy - Radiology

  • Additional Corpus Added- More corpus material was added to the Radiology topic. All unknown words in the new corpus were added to the dictionary. (B-17414)