15.0 Release Notes
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15.0 Release Notes

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Article Summary

15.0 nVoq Dictation, SayIt, SayIt Administrator, nVoq.Administrator, Shortcut Designer, and nVoq APIs Release
January 2020

nVoq Dictation

The updates in this section impact all dictation clients, including SayIt and nVoq.Mobile Voice as well as ISV partner clients using nVoq dictation. 
  • Incorrect Capitalization After Abbreviation - It was possible to have the word following an abbreviation within a dictation be capitalized. Work was done to ensure that this will only happen if the abbreviation was followed by a period. (D-11544, 9/10/2019)
  • Accuracy Testing Variance Removed - Changes were made in the dictation engine code that ensure identical results will be received each time the same test audio is sent through the engine. Note however that if Acoustic Adaptation is on, results will likely still change. (B-15187, 10/28/2019)


SayIt and AgentAssist

New Features & Improvements in SayIt/AgentAssist

  • N/A

Bug Fixes in SayIt/AgentAssist

  • "Another Copy of SayIt Running" Message Hidden for SayIt.exe - Launching SayIt or AgentAssist when there is already another copy of the client running produces a warning message that tells you that there is another copy of SayIt running and you can't open the new copy. However,  when launching from the executable file (sayit.exe), the message appeared behind the nVoq splash screen and could not be read. The user had to wait 20 seconds for the splash screen to time out in order to see what the message said. This has been fixed. Now the splash screen disappears as soon as the warning dialog appears. (D-11527, 9/11/2019)
  • SayIt.exe Launch Puts Two Shortcuts on Desktop - Depending on settings configured for your group, sometimes two shortcut icons could be add to the desktop when launching SayIt using the executable file (sayit.exe). The two shortcut icons would be labeled nVoqClient and nVoqClient [environment name]. Both shortcuts should allow you to successfully run SayIt on your device. This has been fixed. A change was made to insure that group-level desktop shortcut properties are ignored when running the SayIt executable, which will create its own desktop shortcut when it does the initial install. (D-11744, 11/6/2019)
  • Reinstall SayIt.exe Desktop Shortcut - Previously, if you accidentally deleted the sayit.exe desktop shortcut, the shortcut would not be reinstalled even if you downloaded the executable file again. In 15.0 the desktop shortcut will reinstall when you re-download the sayIt.exe file so that you can get the shortcut back on your desktop again. (B-15267, 11/22/2019)

Features Removed from SayIt/AgentAssist

  • N/A




SayIt Administrator

New Features & Improvements in SayIt Administrator

  • Faster Account Creation - Account creation is now asynchronous with profile creation. This means that if there is a lot of sentence modeling or vocabulary to add to the new profile, you won't have to wait for that to be built before the account exists and the user can start dictating. The job that creates the profile still starts when the account is created, but the account can exist before the job is done running. Note however that any dictation performed by a new user will get the benefit of sentence modeling and vocabulary only after their profile is created. (B-14961, 9/16/2019)
  • Improved Simultaneous Account Changes - Changes were made in the database to help alleviate issues caused by multiple users making changes to the same account in SayIt Administrator. In 15.0, if two administrators have the same account open and one administrator changes one attribute (like password) and the other administrator changes a different attribute (like Admin Role), only the changed attributes will be sent to the server and saved for the account, allowing both changes to be saved. Note that if two users change the same attribute on the same account, the second save will overwrite the first one. (B-15155, 10/10/2019)
  • SYSTEM-LEVEL Ability to Disable Zuora Subscriptions for a Tenant - A new setting (available to system-level administrators only) configures whether or not user accounts in a tenant will have billing subscription in the Zuora online billing system. This setting will be on (connected to Zuora) by default, but can be turned off (disconnected) if the customer wants to have nVoq invoices generated using a Purchase Order. When this setting is off, no accounts or subscriptions of any type --including for the Accuracy Optimization Service-- are created in Zuora for the tenant. (The tenant itself will still exist in Zuora.) The setting can be disabled (turned OFF) and any time. Once disconnected, the tenant cannot be reconnected to Zuora. If disconnected from an existing tenant, the disconnection applies only to new accounts. (Existing accounts created before the setting was turned off will continue to function as before. Those subscription(s) will still exist in Zuora). (B-15166, 11/6/2019)
  • Faster Loading of Accounts Page - Updates were made to improve the speed of the accounts list view on the Accounts page.  (D-11746, 11/11/2019)
  • Faster Review & Correct Transaction Display - Work was done to improve the speed of fetching transactions on the Review & Correct page so that items on the page will display faster. (B-15285, 12/10/2019)

Bug Fixes in SayIt Administrator

  • Revised Theme Automatically Removed from Company -  In the current version of SayIt Administrator a custom theme gets removed from a company organization on the Organizations page if changes are made to the theme on the Theme page (like edits to the theme name, colors, or logo). As a work-around, after making edits to a theme you can go to the Organizations page and re-apply the theme to the company organization. This issue has been fixed in 15.0. Note: The Theme page in SayIt Administrator is only available to Tenant level Customer Administrators and above. (D-11650, 10/10/2019)
  • Subscription Management Report Shows Trial Users on Billable Report - If the current date that you're viewing the report is the same as the Trial Expires date of a user account, the user account would show up on the Billable users report instead of the Trial users report, even though they were still in trial for one more day. This has been fixed, and the user will now appear on the Trial users report. Additionally, the Trial Expires column on the report (which has been renamed "Trial Expiration") will now always show the trial expiration date, even after the date has passed. Up until this change, the date would disappear from the column if the expiration date had passed during the date range selected at the top of the page.  (D-11780, 11/25/2019)
  • Account Properties Not Displayed if Email Includes Plus Symbol (+) - Account properties could not be displayed in SayIt Administrator for a user account if the email address in the Email field on the Accounts page included a plus (+) symbol. (Note that a plus symbol can be included in email addresses for accounts added via the API.) The work-around was to view the account properties using the API. This has been fixed. Account properties are now displayed in both nVoq.Adminsitrator and SayIt Administrator for accounts with email addresses that include a plus symbol.  (D-11789, 12/11/2019)
  • Duplicate Accounts Listed on Accounts Page - Newly created accounts were sometimes displayed twice on the Accounts page when the following filters were configured: Last Name A-Z, Last Name Z-A, Enabled First, or Disabled First. However, only one account was displayed when searching for the username in the Search bar. This has been fixed. Each account will now show up only on one line. (D-11823, 12/16/2019)
  • Total Usage Report Latency at Group Level - The Total Usage report was taking a very long time to display information when running it for a group level organization. The same issue was not happening when running the report for other organization levels. It was discovered that three of the queries that were being used to fill out the report were missing a join clause (used to combine data from two or more tables). This made the query return too many results and caused it to be very slow. This has been fixed and the query is now much faster. (D-11819, 12/17/2019)
  • Error When Changing Company Name - When updating the name of a company organization name, if one or more of the accounts in the organization had an Enterprise subscription, the update would fail and the administrator would see an error ("The system encountered an error saving the company."). This has been fixed. (D-11871, 1/13/2020)

Features Removed from SayIt Administrator



nVoq.Administrator is currently only available on our test system as https://test.nvoq.com/admin/signin 

New Features & Improvements in nVoq.Administrator

  • Triggers - The ability to add a trigger for a group has been added to nVoq.Administrator. The page in nVoq.Administrator makes it easier to see if triggers are associated with different events, as each event is visible on the page at all times instead of having to select an event from a drop-down menu to view its trigger (or to see if it has one). The triggers in the new console also have the ability to be enabled or disabled so that you can save the trigger code even if the trigger itself is not currently active for the group. Triggers are disabled by default. Triggers that are loaded for groups in SayIt Administrator when 15.0 nVoq.Administrator is deployed on the system will be migrated and will appear as enabled. If a trigger is disabled in nVoq.Administrator, the trigger code will still appear on the Triggers tab for the group in SayIt Administrator, but the trigger will not be active for the group. You would need to go back to nVoq.Administrator to re-enable the trigger in order to enable/activate it for the group because the Enabled setting for triggers is only available in nVoq.Adminstrator. As a reminder, triggers allow you to run workflow or HTML automations when "triggered" by certain events and not supported on a Mac. (B-14779, 9/10/2019)
  • "Pages" Now Called "Manage" - Due to customer feedback, the section that opens all of the pages that allow you to manage and troubleshoot accounts and resources is now called "Manage" instead of "Pages". The icon has changed to tools instead of a piece of paper. (B-15126, 9/16/2019)
  • Search Field Examines All Visible Columns on Screen - You can use the search field to find for an item (account, organization, shortcut, etc.) by text in any of the columns visible on the page. You will NOT be able to search for an item by metadata or any other information that is NOT visible in the columns on the screen.  (B-15126, 9/16/2019)
  • "Account Notification" Now Called "Account Messaging" - The feature currently called "Account Notification" in SayIt Administrator will be called "Account Messaging" in nVoq.Administrator due to possible confusion with the new notification messages that appear in nVoq.Administrator. As of this writing, this feature is still in development in nVoq.Administrator, but the name has changed in the application and in the online help.  (B-15126, 9/16/2019)
  • Faster Account Creation - Account creation is now asynchronous with profile creation. This means that if there is a lot of sentence modeling or vocabulary to add to the new profile, you won't have to wait for that to be built before the account exists and the user can start dictating. The job that creates the profile still starts when the account is created, but the account can exist before the job is done running. Note however that any dictation performed by a new user will get the benefit of sentence modeling and vocabulary only after their profile is created. (B-14961, 9/16/2019)
  • Home Page Links to Frequently Used Activities, Documentation - The home page that is seen by users with a Customer Administrator or Read Only Admin Role now has fully functioning links to the most commonly used pages in nVoq.Administrator, as well as to online documentation for the most common activities. There's even a link to the System Status page where you can check for maintenance or outage information for any nVoq system. (B-14563, 9/17/2019)
  • Edit Shortcuts - Shortcut Designer functionality for editing shortcuts has been added to nVoq.Administrator. Any user (with or without an Admin Role) can log in to nVoq.Administrator to edit and delete shortcuts. As in Shortcut Designer, client users can only make changes to account shortcuts. Users with an Admin Role of Customer Administrator or Shortcut Designer can edit and delete account as well as organization shortcuts. (B-14891, 9/19/2019)
  • Accuracy After Substitutions on Review & Correct - The Substituted Transcript Accuracy column has been added to the Review & Correct list view so that you can quickly see the accuracy difference between corrections made to the "original" dictation transcript (without substitutions) and the dictation transcript with substitutions applied. In the Detail view you can now see the Original Transcript Difference and the Substituted Transcript Difference as tabs next to the Corrected Text field. This is where to look for details about what was changed in the text during correction. This is the same information that was available in SayIt Administrator by clicking on each of the accuracy percentages in the Review & Correct list view. (B-14957, 9/23/2019)
  • Improved Sorting and Scrolling - Scrolling through items on pages is is fast and smooth and you can sort data in any column on every page. Click on any column header on a page to sort information in ascending or descending order. Sorting and scrolling location are remembered when leaving and returning to a page, even if you log out and back in. Wow. (B-15124, 9/25/2019)
  • View and Download Account Vocabulary - You can now view and export terms added for a user account on the Vocabulary page in nVoq.Administrator. Note that the CSV file that is downloaded when exporting the vocabulary list now includes an Owner column in addition to the Written and Sounds Like columns; it does not include the Recorded column that you see in a file downloaded from SayIt Administrator. The ability to record a vocabulary pronunciation in SayIt no longer exists, so the Recorded column is not needed. You can still upload a .csv file into SayIt Administrator that was downloaded from nVoq.Administrator. (B-15161, 10/1/2019)
  • Shortcuts List Action Menu - The Action menu (three stacked dots) on the right side of the shortcut list will now show the appropriate actions that users can take depending on the Admin Role and Admin Level of the logged-in user. For example, client only users will see only a View option for organization shortcuts (meaning they can view the shortcut but not make any changes), but for their own account shortcuts they'll have the ability to Edit Shortcut, Duplicate, or Delete. Likewise, a Customer Administrator at a company level will only see the View option for tenant-level shortcuts, but will see the Edit, Duplicate, and Delete options for shortcuts at the company level and below. The Copy To feature is not yet available in nVoq.Administrator, but will also be added to this menu when it is. (B-15158, 10/2/2019)
  • Create New Shortcut - Clicking the + symbol in the blue bar at the top right of the Shortcuts page will present the option to create a New Shortcut. When New Shortcut is selected, a menu opens from which you can select the type of shortcut you want to make. Once a type is selected, a blank shortcut opens to the View tab in edit mode of the type of shortcut selected. (B-15125, 10/2/2019)
  • Improved Simultaneous Account Changes - Changes were made in the database to help alleviate issues caused by multiple users making changes to the same account in nVoq.Administrator. In 15.0, if two administrators have the same account open and one administrator changes one attribute (like password) and the other administrator changes a different attribute (like Admin Role), only the changed attributes will be sent to the server and saved for the account, allowing both changes to be saved. Note that if two users change the same attribute on the same account, the second save will overwrite the first one. (B-15155, 10/10/2019)
  • Add, Upload, and Delete Account Vocabulary - You can now add, upload, and delete terms added for a user account on the Vocabulary page in nVoq.Administrator.  Vocabulary terms are updated in user profiles asynchronously, which is different from SayIt Administrator. This means that after updating the terms in nVoq.Administrator, affected user profiles are updated in the background. Voice client users can still perform dictations while vocabulary is being updated on the server. (B-15189, 10/15/2019)
  • Improved Organization Menu - The Organization menu where you select the organization level with which you want to work in nVoq.Administrator has been relocated to the top of the page, where it remains visible and available on all the pages under the Manage section of the application. It has also been improved to be more stable and reduce the number of ellipses (...) that appear in long organization names. (B-15183, 10/15/2019)
  • Export Shortcuts - You can now download shortcuts for an account or organization in a CSV file in nVoq.Administrator. You can download all shortcuts or select as many as you like and get a spreadsheet that includes just the ones selected. Note: A shortcut file downloaded from nVoq.Administrator CANNOT be uploaded in SayIt Administrator. (As of this writing, the ability to upload shortcuts in nVoq.Administrator has not been added yet.) (B-15016, 10/16/2019)
  • View Shortcut Folders - The ability to see shortcut folders for accounts or organizations has been added to the Shortcuts page in nVoq.Administrator. (B-15177, 10/17/2019)
  • Edit Vocabulary - The ability to edit existing vocabulary terms has been added to nVoq.Administrator. Unlike SayIt Administrator, where modification of vocabulary terms happens right in the list view, terms in nVoq.Administrator are updated on a new Edit Vocabulary screen. You can edit one vocabulary term at a time or select up to 100 terms to edit at once. On the Edit Vocabulary screen you can modify the Written Form or add or update a Sounds Like pronunciation for the selected terms. (B-15192, 10/28/2019)
  • Organization & Account Item Listing Improvements - Listing improvements have been made for all pages that have the option to view items for an organization or an account. The improvements were made so that dynamic lists do not show wrong information during invalid states. An example of a scenario that has been corrected is viewing shortcuts for a user in an organization and then updating the settings to view shortcuts for a different organization that has no users. Prior to this work you would still see the shortcut list for the user in the previous organization. (B-15184, 10/29/2019)
  • Add, Edit, and Delete Shortcut Folders - The ability to add, edit, and delete shortcut folders has been added to the Shortcuts page in nVoq.Administrator. Client-only accounts can also log in to nVoq.Administrator to perform these functions on account shortcuts and folders. If an administrator user gives a folder the same name as a user's account folder in nVoq.Administrator, the user will see both folders in the Popup shortcut menu and in the My Shortcuts window in SayIt or AgentAssist. This is changed behavior from SayIt Administrator. (When creating an organization folder with the same name as a user's account folder in SayIt Administrator, a warning message would appear to let you know that the user would not see the organization folder or the shortcuts in that folder.) (B-15176, 11/4/2019)
  • SYSTEM-LEVEL Ability to Disable Zuora Subscriptions for a Tenant - A new setting (available to system-level administrators only) configures whether or not user accounts in a tenant will have billing subscription in the Zuora online billing system. This setting will be on (connected to Zuora) by default, but can be turned off (disconnected) if the customer wants to have nVoq invoices generated using a Purchase Order. When this setting is off, no accounts or subscriptions of any type --including for the Accuracy Optimization Service-- are created in Zuora for the tenant. (The tenant itself will still exist in Zuora.) The setting can be disabled (turned OFF) and any time. Once disconnected, the tenant cannot be reconnected to Zuora. If disconnected from an existing tenant, the disconnection applies only to new accounts. (Existing accounts created before the setting was turned off will continue to function as before. Those subscription(s) will still exist in Zuora). (B-15166, 11/6/2019)
  • Account List Improvements - Updates were made to improve the speed of the display of the accounts list on the Accounts page, as well as the account drop-down menu which appears on the Vocabulary, Shortcuts, and Review & Correct pages (and all future pages that will have an accounts list going forward). Additionally when using the Find Accounts search at the top of the list, instead immediately starting a search after each key typed, the search will now only start once the user has stopped typing for 200 milliseconds. This will also cut down on processing time. (D-11746, 11/11/2019)
  • Organization Vocabulary - You can now work view add, upload, download and delete organization vocabulary on the Vocabulary page. A downloaded vocabulary file from SayIt Administrator also works for upload in nVoq.Administrator and vice versa. Just as it is with account vocabulary in nVoq. Administrator, organization vocabulary terms are updated in user profiles asynchronously, which is different from SayIt Administrator. This means that after updating the terms in nVoq.Administrator, affected user profiles are updated in the background. Voice client users can still perform dictations while vocabulary is being updated on the server. Also different from SayIt Administrator, administrators with access to multiple organization levels can edit vocabulary terms for multiple organizations at once instead of having to select the specific organization with which they want to work. In SayIt Administrator, admins could only edit terms one organization level at a time. (B-15191, 11/13/2019)
  • Changed "Cancel" Button to "Close" on Shortcuts Page - Because multiple changes may be needed when adding new or editing existing shortcuts or shortcut folders, clicking the "Save" button does not take you back to the shortcut list. Instead it just saves your work. You had to click the "Cancel" button when you were done making changes in order to go back to the shortcut list view. However, it may have been unclear that "Cancel" would not just cancel all of your saved changes. To make it more clear the "Cancel" button label has been changed to "Close". The "Close" button takes you back to the shortcut list when you're done making changes. (B-15214, 11/19/2019)
  • View Account Substitutions - You can now view substitutions added for a user account on the Substitutions page. The Enabled column, which allows you to see if an account substitution is active, is new and a difference for the Substitutions page from SayIt Administrator. (B-15128, 11/21/2019)
  • Uploads Proceed Even with Errors in File - When importing a CSV file for uploading vocabulary or accounts, the system checks for errors in the file which would previously have to be fixed before the file could be uploaded. This process has changed. The system will still check for errors in the file and will present the errors to you, but as long as the errors do not prevent the file from being uploaded (such as invalid file type or required column headings missing) you can optionally choose to go ahead with the upload and the remaining items in the file that did not have errors will be added to the system. Users will be notified of items that could not be added with a popup message, with additional information about what could not be added and why available in the Notifications. This is currently working for accounts and vocabulary, and will be included in additional upload functionality in nVoq.Administrator as new pages are developed. (B-15239, 11/22/2019)
  • Copy Vocabulary - You can now copy vocabulary terms from an account or organization to another account or organization on the Vocabulary page. You can copy from one organization to another organization, and from an account to an organization, which were both possible within SayIt Administrator. New in nVoq.Administrator is the ability to copy from an organization to an account, and from one account to another account. Also new in nVoq. Administrator, an administrator with a lower Admin Level (say, a group admin) can copy vocabulary terms from a higher organization level to an account. (B-15265, 11/22/2019)
  • Upload Shortcuts - You can now upload multiple shortcuts with a CSV file on the Shortcuts page. The system will check for errors in the file and will present the errors to you, and as long as the errors do not prevent the file from being uploaded (such as invalid file type or required column headings missing) you can optionally choose to go ahead with the upload and remaining items in the file that did not have errors will be added to the system. Users will be notified of items that could not be added with a popup message, with additional information about what could not be added and why available in the Notifications. You can upload a CSV that was downloaded from SayIt Administrator into nVoq.Administrator. As of this writing, only about 3,000 shortcuts can be uploaded on a single file. There will be work done to correct this in a later work item (see D-11809). Also, shortcut folders cannot be added and shortcuts cannot be added to existing folders on upload at this time. This will be done in a later work item as well.  (B-15234, 11/22/2019)
  • Save/Open Organization Button Label Change - When creating a new company or division level organization there is a button that you can click to save the organization and open it to add child organizations. This button was labeled "Save/Open" but is now labeled "Save then view children". (B-15284, 12/5/2019)
  • Upload and Download Icon/Menu Changes - The icon that you click to upload or download items on a page you are viewing has changed. The wrench icon with a tooltip labeled "Tools" has been replaced by an up and down arrow icon labeled either "Download" or "Upload Download," depending on what you can do on the page. Click on this icon and select an option from the menu below. The menus on each page have been updated also to specifically call out what can be uploaded or downloaded. For example, instead of just "Download" on the Shortcuts page the menu item now says, "Download Shortcuts". (B-15284, 12/5/2019)\
  • Faster Review & Correct Transaction Display - Work was done to improve the speed of fetching transactions on the Review & Correct page so that items on the page will display faster. (B-15285, 12/10/2019)
  • New Refresh Icon on Review & Correct Page - In previous builds of nVoq.Adminisrator, the Review & Correct page item list would automatically refresh with changes that were made to filters on the page. However, if changes were made to filters while the process indicator was still going, the results on the page would not match the filters selected. To rectify this, a new refresh icon has been added to the blue bar on the page. Now, the items on the page will only automatically list the first time you go to the page or if a change is made to the Organization drop-down menu. If any other filter in the gray area at the top of the page is changed (like the account, date, or item status for example), you will need to click the refresh icon in order to see the updated list with selected filters applied. (D-11742, 12/10/2019)
  • Edit Account Substitutions - You can now edit the Spoken, Written, Description, Type, and Enabled settings for account substitutions on the Substitutions page. (B-15198, 12/16/2019)
  • Add, Delete, and Upload Account Substitutions - You can now add a new, upload multiple, and delete account substitutions on the Substitutions page in nVoq.Administrator. At this time there are some minor issues with uploading substitutions, and these are documented. (B-15283, 12/17/2019)

Bug Fixes in nVoq.Administrator

  • Enabled Through Date Cannot be Removed - Once the Enabled Through date is set for an account it cannot be removed in nVoq.Administrator. If you attempt to remove the date, when you go back to the account the date is still set. This has been fixed in 15.0. (D-11541, 10/15/2019)
  • Account Enable Issues - If a user has client access an Admin Role in two different organizations, and one of the organizations is disabled while the other is enabled, the list view would show the user as enabled but within the Edit Account view the Enabled box would be unchecked and you could not change it. This has been fixed. Now when at least one organization to which a user belongs (for either the client access or the Admin Role) is enabled, the account will be enabled AND the Enabled checkbox can be selected or deselected any time. (D-11557, 10/21/2019)
  • Trigger Character Limit Increase - The character limit for group triggers was set to only 10,000 in nVoq.Administrator, making it impossible to edit existing triggers that exceeded that. The limit for all trigger fields in nVoq.Administrator has now been increased to 65,000 characters. (D-11762, 11/18/2019)
  • Errors When Uploading Greater Than 3200 Shortcuts - When uploading a spreadsheet of 4,000 shortcuts, errors were produced in the system and only approximately 3,200 shortcuts would successfully upload and be listed in nVoq.Administrator. This has been fixed and tested with files containing 4,000 and 5,000 shortcuts. No errors are produced, and the shortcuts are successfully added. Note that a file containing approximately 5,000 shortcuts takes about 5 minutes to upload. (D-11809, 12/5/2019)
  • Shortcut Options Removed for Read Only Administrators - Previously if administrators with read only access logged in to nVoq.Administrator it would appear that they could add shortcuts, but would receive an error stating that the shortcut could not be saved. Now the icon for creating new shortcuts or folders has been removed from the toolbar to make this less confusing. Additionally when viewing a shortcut, the save button is no longer displayed. Read only administrators can only add, edit, or remove shortcuts or folders from their own accounts. (D-11747, 12/11/2019)
  • Account Properties Not Displayed if Email Includes Plus Symbol (+) - Account properties could not be displayed in nVoq.Administrator for a user account if the email address in the Email Address field on the nVoq.Administrator Accounts page included plus (+) symbol. (Note that a plus symbol can be included in email addresses for accounts added via the API.) The work-around was to view the account properties using the API. This has been fixed. Account properties are now displayed in both nVoq.Adminsitrator and SayIt Administrator for accounts with email addresses that include a plus symbol. (D-11789, 12/11/2019)

Features in SayIt Administrator that are NOT in nVoq.Administrator

  • "Show Disabled Accounts" - The "Show Disabled Accounts" toggle next to the Accounts drop-down menu on multiple pages in nVoq.Administrator has been removed. This toggle allowed you to optionally remove accounts that were not enabled from the drop-down menu. Since it's been removed, all accounts, whether enabled or disabled, will appear in the Accounts drop-down menu. This change currently affects nVoq.Administrator on the Review & Correct page, Shortcuts page, and Vocabulary page, and the toggle will not be added to any new pages in nVoq.Administrator going forward. This setting is a checkbox below the Accounts menu on multiple pages in SayIt Administrator. (B-15190, 11/1/2019)


Shortcut Designer

New Features & Improvements in Shortcut Designer

  • N/A - Work is being done to add the functionality of Shortcut Designer to the new nVoq.Administrator.  Changes or improvements (if any) will be added there.

Bug Fixes in Shortcut Designer

  • Save Changes Dialog Missing Save Button - When leaving a shortcut that has been modified without saving, a window appears letting you know that you need to save but only two options are given on the window: Continue Editing or Discard Changes. The window that appears in 15.0 includes a Save button as a third option. (D-11623, 9/6/2019)
  • Spaces at End or Beginning of Shortcut or Folder Name Appear in Edit View - If a folder name or a shortcut name begins or ends with one or more spaces, you don't see the spaces in the list view but you do see them in the edit view. In 15.0 these spaces are automatically removed when the name is added. (D-11644, 9/11/2019)
  • Explanation of Valid Shortcut Name Characters Does Not Include All Valid Characters - The message that displays below the Name field when an invalid character is entered into the field has been updated to be more clear about exactly what characters are allowed. The old message ("Only alphabetic or numeric characters are allowed") did not let the user know that hyphens, underscores, and spaces are also allowed. That message has been updated to read, "Only letter, number, underscore, or space characters are allowed". (D-11641, 9/11/2019)
  • Error When Copying Organization Shortcut with Alternative Name to Account - In previous releases, when an organization shortcut that had an Alternative Name was copied to an account, an error would present because of the Alternative Name. In 15.0 when an organization shortcut with an Alternative Name is copied to an account, the Alternative Name(s) are removed from the copied shortcut. (They still exist on the original shortcut.)  (D-11646, 9/17/2019)
  • Modified By Field Not Populated for Copied Shortcuts - In the previous releases, copying a shortcut from one account/group to another account/group did not track the "Modified By" field of the shortcut, making it impossible to know who copied the shortcut initially. As a work-around, the person who copied the shortcut could add an Internal Note to the copied shortcut with this information. This has been fixed. Now when a shortcut is copied or duplicated, the username of the person who copied or duplicated the shortcut is listed on the History tap in the Modified By column. (D-11367, 9/19/2019)

Features Removed from Shortcut Designer

  • N/A 



We are in the process of reformatting our API documentation. As a result, new and updated web services are in a new location (linked below).


Accounts (user_id -> id):

Account Substitutions (uuid -> id):

Account Vocabulary (uuid -> id):

Folders (folderId -> id):

Organizations (identifier -> id):

Organization Plans (identifier -> id):

Organization Contacts (uuid -> id):

Organization Default Values (response includes Plans, which are specified above)

Organization Vocabulary (uuid -> id):

Shortcuts (quickNotesId -> id):

Themes (uuid -> id):

Transactions (uuid -> id):


Dictation Properties (Uuid -> id):

Observers (uuid -> dictationId):