iOS Wireless Mic Relink to Voice
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iOS Wireless Mic Relink to Voice

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Article summary


When nVoq Voice is paired with the nVoq.Wireless Microphone for iOS, updates to Voice are not reflected in nVoq Administrator's Review & Correct until Voice is re-linked on the Wireless Mic app. Dictations are recorded properly and appear in Review & Correct, but the old version of Voice is listed on the Detail Review & Correct page.

This issue will be corrected when the 19.0.0 version of Voice is upgraded to 19.1. Until then this can be resolved by proactively re-linking to Voice in the Wireless Mic app.

What to do:

Relink the iOS Wireless Microphone to nVoq Voice:

  1. Tap the Linked to: [computer name] link near the bottom of the Wireless Mic dictation screen.
  2. Tap the name of the computer where you have updated Voice (even if it's already selected or the only computer name in the list).
  3. Tap the Apply button.
  4. The name of the computer where you have updated Voice is listed at the bottom of the dictation screen, and Voice should appear in nVoq Administrator Review & Correct with the correct version number.
