18.2.0 Release Notes
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18.2.0 Release Notes

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Article summary

18.2.0 nVoq Dictation, nVoq.Voice, nVoq.Administrator, & nVoq APIs Release
October 2023 - See Production Deployments for deployment dates.

For release notes for nVoq mobile apps, see:


nVoq Dictation

The updates in this section impact all dictation clients, including nVoq.Voice and nVoq.Mobile Voice, as well as ISV partner clients using nVoq dictation. 
  • Improved Recognition of Mid-Dictation Commands - Mid-dictation commands that include common words that exist in the dictation topic should now be recognized more reliably. This includes commands that include words inside other commands, such as next and next field and next field insert. The system looks for the longest command phrase in the dictation first, which should help return the correct command when there are composite commands in the list. Multiple commands spoken in quick succession and commands that include pauses between words should also work better. Commands now supersede vocabulary.  (B-17241, 6/29/2023; D-13210, 7/3/2023; B-17181, 7/24/2023; D-13350, 9/14/2023; D-13371, 9/26/2023; D-13339, 10/4/2023)
  • New Handling for Corrupt Audio Files -In the previous release the dictation server could try to process a corrupt audio file. If you tried to listen to the dictation on the Detail Review & Correct page, the audio would start playing then stop playing after the first second. In the 18.2.0 release the dictation server will now catch a corrupt audio file and cancel the dictation. On the Review & Correct page the attempted dictation is listed with a new error, "Audio processing error," and there will be no saved audio or transcript. (D-13309, 7/11/2023; D-13239, 7/11/2023)
  • Fix for First Word in Transcript After Mid-Dictation Command Not Capitalized -When mid-dictation commands are removed from the transcript, the dictation server would not capitalize the new (non-command) first word of the transcript. This has been fixed.  (D-13220, 7/11/2023)
  • Fix for Disabled Substitutions Being Applied to Dictations - In the previous releases account-level substitutions are applied to a user's dictation transcripts even after they have been disabled. The work-around is to delete the substitution so that it cannot appear. In the 18.2.0 release disabled account substitutions are filtered out and are no longer applied to dictation transcripts. (D-13307, 7/24/2023)
  • Fix for Vocabulary/Sentence Modeling Sometimes Not Added for Organizations with Many Accounts - When adding vocabulary or sentence models for an organization with ~2,000 or more accounts the profile server would sometimes return an error and not add the vocabulary or sentence modeling to the accounts. This has been fixed. (D-13250, 8/17/2023)
  • Fix for Missing Words/Gibberish Words in Final Text - In some cases words would be missing in final dictation transcripts even though they appeared in the hypothesis text. In other cases gibberish non-words would return in the final transcript. Work was done to fix this issue. (D-13330, 8/30/2023; D-13297, 10/3/2023)
  • Fix for Slowness with Multiple Dictations in Quick Succession - Since the 18.0 release users that record short dictations in quick succession, such as filling out a template, would quickly experience dictation processing slowdowns after a few dictations. This was caused by WebSockets staying open too long resulting in queued dictations having to wait for the server to free up. This has been fixed. (D-13319, 9/12/2023)
  • Profile Rebuild for Topic Updates - In previous releases it was possible for users to see terms appear as "tokens" in their dictation transcript (e.g. m_g) if the main dictation topic (e.g. General Medicine) had been updated with a change to how the topic handles that token. In 18.2.0 the server will check for a dictation topic update after each dictation and, if there is one, will update the user's profile. The current dictation may still use the old profile, but subsequent dictations should use the new one. (B-17361, 9/15/2023)
  • Fix for Vocabulary Returning with Hyphens When Starting with Same Word as Mid-Dictation Command - In previous releases there was an issue with a vocabulary word returning in transcripts with hyphens before and after the word if it started with the same word as a mid-dictation command. For example, if you had a vocabulary word of delete and mid-dictation command of delete last word, the vocabulary term would return as -delete- and the mid dictation command would return as -delete- last word. In the 18.2.0 release if there is a mid-dictation command that starts with the same word as a vocabulary term, the command will override the vocabulary and the WebSocket will send a warning message letting you know that the vocabulary was overwritten because an identical command was also sent in. (D-13351, 9/21/2023)



  • Password Strength Requirements Displayed on Password Screens - Password strength requirements (for Weak, Medium, or Strong passwords) are now displayed on the screen where the password is being changed, including the Change Password screen in nVoq.Voice and the password recovery page used for all nVoq products. They are also displayed on the expired password screen for nVoq.Voice as well. The password strength requirement is configured at the division-level for client-only accounts. Password strength for accounts with an Administrator Role are not configurable and instead comply with the settings listed at Password Security Settings for Accounts with an Administrator Role. (B-17322, 8/17/2023)
  • Fix for Voice Disconnects from Wireless Mic When Computer Sleeps - When using nVoq.Voice with the nVoq Wireless Microphones (Android or iOS), Voice will disconnect from the Wireless Microphone if the computer goes into "sleep" mode requiring you to restart Voice to reconnect. This has been fixed. In the 18.2.0 release, if the computer goes to sleep over night you may need to reselect the Voice client on the Wireless Microphone to reconnect, but you will not need to restart or sign out. (D-13345, 9/25/2023)



  • SSO Identity Providers Listed in nVoq.Admin -  On the new Identity Providers page, available only to system or tenant level administrators, you can see which Single Sign On (SSO) Identity Providers are configured for your tenant (if any). SSO is an authentication method that allows users to sign in to multiple independent applications using one set of credentials. To configure SSO on nVoq dictation applications for your users see SSO Setup: Microsoft Azure Active Directory or SSO Setup: Okta. The nVoq Customer Experience Team will add the information you send us to our system as an "identity provider," after which it will be listed on the new Identity Providers page in nVoq.Administrator. (B-17267, 7/5/2023)
  • SYSTEM LEVEL View Identity Providers for Tenant - On the Tenants page of nVoq.Administrator system-level administrators can now see which tenants have Single Sign On (SSO) identity providers configured for them. A new column on the page titled SSO Provider lists the name of the identity providers configured. If assigned more than one identity provider with the same name, that name is only listed here once. SSO Provider is also listed on the CSV file when tenant information on this page is downloaded. Information about each identity provider configured for the tenant is available on the Identity Providers page. (B-17270, 7/11/2023; B-17303, 7/18/2023)
  • Auto Provisioning Settings Tab on Identity Providers Page - Our development team is working on the ability to securely create nVoq accounts through a SSO identity provider, such as Okta. As part of that work, a new tab labeled Auto Provisioning Settings has been added to the Identity Providers page. On this tab a system or tenant-level administrator can configure the default settings for Plan, Accuracy Optimization, and Product that will be used for accounts that are created via a SSO identity provider. (B-17282, 8/14/2023; B-17363, 9/18/23)
  • Create Provisioning Accounts & Tokens from the Identity Providers Page - An Auto Provisioning Token page is now accessible by clicking the actions menu next to an identity provider on the Identity Providers page and selecting "Auto Provisioning Token." On this page, system or tenant level administrators can create accounts and tokens to be used with an identity provider to create nVoq accounts that can sign in using SSO. The maximum number of provisioning tokens that can be created is two per provisioning account. The second one allows you to update to a new token before the first one expires and stops working. Accounts created on this page appear on the Accounts page, but cannot be selected, edited, or deleted. These are non-billable accounts that do not have access to any nVoq products. (B-17273, 8/15/2023; B-17318, 8/23/2023; B-17363, 9/18/23)
  • Password Strength Requirements Displayed on Password Screens - Password strength requirements (for Weak, Medium, or Strong passwords) are now displayed on the screens where the password is being set or changed, including the Add/Edit Accounts page in nVoq.Administrator, the Change Password screen in nVoq.Administrator, the Change Password screen in nVoq.Voice, and the password recovery page used for all nVoq products. They are also displayed on the expired password screens for nVoq.Administrator and nVoq.Voice as well. Password strength requirements on the Add/Edit Accounts page are enforced when saving the account, as they may change once a Client Group or Administrator Role is selected even if you have already entered a password. The password strength requirement is configured at the division-level for client-only accounts. Password strength for accounts with an Administrator Role are not configurable and instead comply with the settings listed at Password Security Settings for Accounts with an Administrator Role, except on the Add/Edit Account page (see below). (B-17322, 8/17/2023)
  • Division Password Strength of "Strong" Honored on Add/Edit Account Page for Administrator Role - New for 18.2.0 is that on the Add/Edit Account page, the password strength requirement for the division is now enforced for accounts with an Administrator Role IF it is higher than the minimum requirement. For example, if you are creating an account with an Administrator Role that has a group-level Administrator Organization and the Password Strength at the division-level is set to "Strong," the Add/Edit Account page will require a strong password for that account in accordance with the division-level setting. This setting is enforced when saving the account. This requirement is only enforced on the Add/Edit Account page, however. If the user changes their own password (outside of the Add/Edit Account page), the minimum requirement for an administrator role will be enforced instead (which is a password strength of "Medium"). (B-17322, 8/17/2023)
  • Delete Confirmations Say How Many Things Will Be Deleted - When deleting items (like accounts, organizations, shortcuts, substitutions, etc.) the delete confirmation message will now let you know how many items are about to be deleted. This change affects the following pages: Organizations, Accounts, API Keys, Custom Groups, Note Assist, Sentence Modeling, Shortcuts, Substitutions, Themes, and Vocabulary. Additionally at the system level the System Accounts page is also updated. (B-17290, 8/29/2023)
  • Special Characters Allowed in Organization Names - Per customer request special characters like * / :  ? \ | ' & ; # + can now be included in organization names. Characters < > and non-printable and non-English characters are still restricted. (B-17344, 8/30/2023)
  • Trial Expires Setting Now Defaults to "No Trial" - The default setting of the Trial Expires date is now "No Trial" instead of the last day of the current month. Keep in mind that once you save the account with "No Trial" you cannot change that setting. Auto-provisioned accounts created via an identity provider, like Okta, will also automatically be set to "No Trial." (Enabling and disabled of auto-provisioned accounts is handled via the identity provider.) The Trial Expires setting is enabled at the tenant level. If it is disabled (or never enabled) for the tenant, the Trial Expires setting does not appear on the Add or Edit Account pages. (B-17353, 9/19/2023)
  • Account Recovery - The ability to restore deleted accounts has been added to nVoq.Administrator in this release. When accounts are deleted they are now moved to Trash, where they remain for 30 days before they are permanently removed from the system. When accounts are in trash: new accounts can be created with their usernames; their transactions do not appear in Review & Correct; report data displays with the username appended with [deleted_{timestamp}]; password and password history is deleted; and user shortcuts, vocabulary, substitutions, and sentence modeling are removed. Accounts in the trash can be restored for 30 days as long as their organization has not been deleted. When accounts are restored: they are assigned a new, auto-generated password; all previous user data is once again available in Reports and Review & Correct; and account shortcuts, vocabulary, substitutions, and sentence models are restored. When an organization is deleted, all accounts in that organization are automatically moved to trash, but they cannot be restored because the organization is gone. Re-creating the organization with the same name will not allow you to restore these accounts. Note that in this release, deleting Division or Company level organizations does not move the accounts to trash; instead these accounts are just removed. This is scheduled to be fixed in a later release. (B-17289, 9/26/2023)

Bug Fixes in nVoq.Administrator

  • Fix for Date Range Filter Presents Error if Date Range Entered Manually - In the previous release the Date Range filter on all pages in nVoq.Administrator presents an error that states, "Date range is the same..." when the date is changed manually by typing a new date into the filter. This error does not occur if you change the date range by clicking on the field and select a new date from the calendar. This has been fixed in the 18.2.0 release. (D-13241, 6/28/2023)
  • Fix for Save Changes Dialog Reappearing on Detail Review & Correct Page - On the Detail Review & Correct page, if you make changes to a dictation transaction but then select "Discard changes" from the Save Changes dialog that appears, the Save Changes dialog box will continue to reappear after you click the Next or Previous button and move on to another transaction even if no changes were made there. The work-around is to click Discard Changes again. This has been fixed in the 18.2.0 release. (D-13244, 6/28/2023)
  • New Error on Review & Correct for Corrupt Audio Files - In the previous release the dictation server could try to process a corrupt audio file. If you tried to listen to the dictation on the Detail Review & Correct page, the audio would start playing then stop playing after the first second. In the 18.2.0 release the dictation server will now catch a corrupt audio file and cancel the dictation. On the Review & Correct page the attempted dictation is listed with a new error, "Audio processing error," and there will be no saved audio or transcript. (D-13309, 7/11/2023)
  • Fix for Disabled Substitutions Being Applied to Dictations - In the previous releases account-level substitutions are applied to a user's dictation transcripts even after they are disabled. The work-around is to delete the substitution so that it cannot appear. In the 18.2.0 release disabled account substitutions are filtered out and are no longer applied to dictation transcripts. (D-13307, 7/24/2023)
  • Fix for Unable to Find Word in Corrected Dictations Using Look for Word - On the Review & Correct page, if you set the Status to "Corrected" and then use the Look for Word field to search for a word in a corrected dictation, the system will display an error stating, "Could not retrieve items" whether the word exists in one of the dictations or not. This has been fixed. (D-13336, 8/17/2023)
  • Fix for Dictation Not Appearing in Review & Correct Due to Long Microphone Name - In the previous release if the name of a Microphone used for dictation is more than 100 characters long, such as Default - Microphone Array (Microphone Array (Intelligent® Sound Smarts Technology for Digital Microphones), the dictation does not appear in Review & Correct at all. In the 18.2.0 release, if a Microphone name, Client Vendor name, Client Version number, or Client Product name is longer than 100 characters, the dictation will appear in Review & Correct and the name or number will be truncated on the Review & Correct and Detail Review & Correct pages to only 100 characters. (D-13318, 8/22/2023)
  • Fix for Underscore Acting as Wildcard in Word Finder - In the previous release, when a term that includes an underscore (such as _gerd_) is entered into the Search field on the Word Finder page, the underscore acts as a "wild card" and matches any word that starts with the letter that follows the underscore. This results in many false results for the searched term. This also occurs for terms that include a percent sign (%) or a backslash (\). This has been fixed in the 18.2.0 release, so searches for terms including underscore, percent sign, or backslash work as normal characters in the Search field. (D-13343, 9/8/2023)
  • Fix for nVoq.Voice Usage of Deleted Note Assist Audit Appears in Usage Report - If a tenant has only one Note Assist audit and it is deleted, nVoq.Voice users that were assigned to that audit can still run Note Assist, but the "audit" that runs includes all categories that are available for the tenant. In the previous release that usage appears on the Note Assist Usage Report under the name of the deleted audit. This has been fixed. In the 18.2.0 release the Note Assist Usage Report will now list the Audit Name as "No audit selected" in this scenario. (D-13230, 9/13/2023)
  • Fix for Single Plan Not Automatically Selected on Account Upload - If your tenant only has one subscription plan available, such as Shortcuts and Dictation (Enterprise), the Plan should be automatically selected on the Add Account and Upload Accounts pages. In the previous release this was not happening on the Upload Accounts page. This has been fixed in the 18.2.0 release. (D-13364, 9/21/2023)

