18.0.0 Release Notes
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18.0.0 Release Notes
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18.0.0 nVoq Dictation, SayIt, nVoq.Voice, nVoq.Administrator, & nVoq APIs Release
March 2023 - See Production Deployments for deployment dates.
For release notes for nVoq mobile apps, see:
- nVoq.Mobile Voice Version History - 18.0.0
- nVoq.Wireless Microphone for Android Version History - 18.0.0 - No changes in this release.
- nVoq.Wireless Microphone for iOS Version History - 18.0.0
nVoq Dictation
The updates in this section impact all dictation clients, including nVoq.Voice, and nVoq.Mobile Voice, as well as ISV partner clients using nVoq dictation.
- Faster to Add Vocabulary to User Profiles - When vocabulary is added, account profiles are rebuilt to include the new terms. In this release, updating vocabulary in user profiles is faster. Keep in mind that adding thousands of vocabulary terms to an account or organization is still not advised. (B-16924, 12/6/2022)
- Fix for Capitalization Commands Not Working in STABLETEXT Dictations - The built-in capitalization commands (Caps, Caps On/Caps Off, All Caps, and All Caps On/All Caps Off) were sometimes not working properly with STABLETEXT dictations. This has been fixed. (D-13098, 12/8/2022)
- Mid-Dictation Command Recognition Improvement - In the previous release mid-dictation commands would sometimes return the wrong command, especially if there was another command with the same phrasing at the beginning. For example one command might be "patient labs" and another command might be "patient labs copy." While we do not advise creating commands with similar phrasing like this, the mid-dictation command process has been improved to avoid this problem. Commands are now sent later in the process so that longer commands can be recognized as a whole instead of being mistaken for shorter commands. (B-17013, 12/28/2022)
- Fix for Word Marker Positions Sometimes Incorrect with Mid-Dictation Commands - Word markers from a WebSocket dictation are sometimes incorrect when using mid-dictation commands. Mid-dictation commands are now sent later in the process to keep this from happening. (D-13130 , 12/29/2022)
- Fix for Numbers Sometimes Return Incorrectly with Mid-Dictation Commands - Numbers sometimes return incorrectly in dictations after mid-dictation commands are used. For example, a dictation of "next field 58 next field 23" might return as "508203". Mid-dictation commands are now sent later in the process to keep this from happening. (D-13126, 12/29/2022)
- Fix for Sometimes Mid-Dictation Commands Appear in Transcribed Text - Mid-dictation commands should be removed from the dictation transcript so that the user never sees the command text, but sometimes they are not. Mid-dictation commands are now sent later in the process to keep this from happening. Mid-dictation commands do not appear in Review and Correct in either the Original text or the Substituted text. (D-13124, 1/17/2023)
- Fix for Original Transcript Missing Words (Transcript with Substitutions OK) - It was reported to us that a dictation transcript in the Original tab of the Detail Review & Correct page in nVoq.Administrator was missing words at the end, while the text in the Substitution tab displayed the entire transcript. This issue occurred in a dictation client using STABLETEXT with specific substitutions enabled, and has been fixed. The problem was only been visible in nVoq.Administrator since the dictation client would have displayed substitutions in the transcript. (D-13149, 2/16/2023)
SayIt and AgentAssist
SayIt was retired as of December 31, 2022. Some of you may have already been unable to run the 17.2.0 version of SayIt after the beginning of the year. Going forward SayIt will no longer be deployed on the Healthcare and Canada systems. "AgentAssist" will only be available on the Secure system.
- AgentAssist for Windows Only - The 18.0.0 version of AgentAssist runs on Windows only, it cannot be run on Mac. (B-17045, 1/18/2023)
- New Update Notification - Once you have installed the 18.0.0 version of nVoq.Voice, Voice will check for updates every 24 hours while you are signed in. If an update is available, an orange badge will appear on the settings gear icon (next to the dictation button). When that badge is present, clicking on the settings icon opens the About screen where you can click on the Update Voice Now button to install the updated version of nVoq.Voice. (B-16502, 12/27/2022)
- Improvement to Dictation Button Functionality on Multiple Monitors - In the current release of nVoq.Voice the dictation button can not be moved to a secondary monitor. The button bounces back to the primary monitor if you try to do so. The work-around is change the Scale and Layout setting on one monitor so that the settings are different on the two monitors (e.g 100% on one monitor and 125% on the other). This has been fixed. In the 18.0.0 release you can move the dictation button to secondary monitor and the button will stay where you put it until you sign out or close the application. When you sign out or close the application, the dictation button will move back to the primary monitor when you sign back in. (B-17060, 2/6/2023)
Bug Fixes in nVoq.Voice
- Speech Bubble Not Open When Dictating with nVoq Wireless Microphones - When recording dictations using the nVoq Wireless Microphone for either Android or iOS, the speech bubble in nVoq.Voice sometimes does not open. When this happens, the dictation button in the Wireless Microphone app does indicate that recording is occurring, and the final transcript does still paste into the target application. This has been fixed in the 18.0.0 release of nVoq.Voice, no change was required in the Wireless Microphone apps. (D-13153, 1/30/2023)
- Speech Bubble Closes While Recording with nVoq Wireless Microphones - When recording dictations using the nVoq Wireless Microphone for iOS it was possible for the speech bubble in the 17.2.0 version of Voice to close automatically in the middle of recording. When this happens Voice does not display the full transcript to the user, but the full transcript is available in nVoq.Administrator. This is no longer occurring in the 18.0.0 version of Voice. (D-13050, 2/16/2023)
- Data Persistence Setting Now Controls Dictation Client & Microphone Information - The Data Persistence setting labeled "Save Dictation Information" on the Add/Edit (Group) Organization page controls how long information in External External ID and Metadata fields is stored. In 18.0.0 this setting will also control how long the Client Product, Client Vendor, Client Version, and Microphone information for individual dictations is stored. This information is displayed in Review & Correct for dictations until it is purged after the number of days configured for this setting. Groups with this setting set to "Never" will not display Client Product, Client Vendor, Client Version, or Microphone information for dictations in Review & Correct at all. (B-16637, 11/10/2022)
- Faster to Add Vocabulary to User Profiles - When vocabulary is added, account profiles are rebuilt to include the new terms. In nVoq.Administrator, this is a background process that happens after a .csv file has been uploaded and validated. In this release, this background process to update vocabulary is faster. Adding thousands of vocabulary terms to an account or organization is still not advised. (B-16924, 12/6/2022)
- Add New Columns & Customize Column Order on Accounts Page - The order of columns on the Accounts page list view can now be customized to your liking, and there are some new optional columns to display on the page too, including Admin Organization, Admin Role, E-mail, Enabled Through, First Login, Last Login, Note Assist Enabled, and Products. A new tool (wrench) icon has been added near the top of the page that opens a Customize Columns window. There you can select the columns that you want to display on the page, and change the order in which they appear. The columns displayed persist if you navigate to another page, or sign out of nVoq.Administrator. The Download Accounts icon (in the blue bar) will create a comma-separated values (CSV) file that includes the columns you have selected to display in the list view. Depending on what columns you have selected, the columns that you download in a CSV file may be different than those required for Account Upload. (B-16671, 12/15/2022)
- Organization Column on Accounts Page Replaced by Client Group - The "Organization" column (which displayed the user's Company, Division, or Group name depending on what level of organization you were viewing) has been replaced by a column titled "Client Group". This new column lists the name of the organization(s) in which this user has Client Access. The organizations that display in the column depend on your account access. If you have a tenant-level account, you will see the user's company, division, and group in this column. If you have group-level access, you will only see the user's group. If no group is listed, the user does not have Client Access (i.e. cannot use dictation or shortcuts). (B-16671, 12/15/2022)
- Run Batch File Against Note Assist Audit - On the Note Assist page you can run a batch file against an audit to see if existing narratives include categories in the audit. Download a template to create a file, or use an existing Microsoft Excel file with a .xlsx file extension. Required columns on the batch file include: Narrative (the clinical note text that will be run against the selected audit), Narrative Date, and Name of the person who created the narrative. This name does not need to have a corresponding nVoq account. Files can include additional columns, and they will be ignored. After the audit is run and output file includes the same columns as the original file, the name of the audit against which the batch was run, and each category in that audit which will either show TRUE (if the category was included in the Narrative text) or FALSE (if the category was missing from the Narrative text). Information run in batch audits is not saved in nVoq.Administrator and does not count as Note Assist usage. The Note Assist page and batch audits are available to system- and tenant-level administrators only. (B-16545, 12/21/2022)
- Accounts Page Search Improved - In the previous releases the Search field on the Accounts page could only search the accounts that displayed in the list view on screen, which was limited to 10,000 accounts. The Search has been improved and now sends a new web request to the server to search through all accounts in the selected organization. A search is initiated when two or more characters are entered in the field. The search request looks in information in the columns visible on screen (except First Login and Last Login). If columns on the page change (using Customize Columns) after you have entered search criteria, a new search request is sent to the server. The total number of results (displayed in the upper-left of the screen) is now correct, and may be spread across multiple pages. The search criteria you entered, matching results, and the page of results you were viewing persist on the Accounts page even if you go to another page and then return, or sign out and sign back in. (B-17081, 2/2/2023)
- Organization Column on Logging Page Now Lists Org Structure - In previous releases the Logging page would display the user's organization in a column titled "Company", "Division", or "Group" depending on what level was selected in the Organization menu at the top of the page. The column displayed child organizations of the organization selected on the organization menu. In the 18.0.0 release the column is now titled "Client Group" and displays the user's entire organization structure to which the viewing administrator has access. For example, an administrator with tenant-level access will see the user's Tenant > Company > Division > Group names in this column. An administrator with group-level access will only see the group name. (B-17039, 2/7/2023)
- Accounts Page Sort Includes All Accounts in Organization - In the previous releases the list view on the Accounts page could only display up to 10,000 accounts, even if there were more than that in the selected organization. This page has been improved so that data in the list view can include all accounts in the organization. Accounts in the list view can be sorted by any column. The default is by Last Name. Sorted data in the list view is updated when a new column is selected for sorting, or when a different organization is selected from the organization menu. These actions now make a webservice call to the server to return data for all accounts in the selected organization. Scroll location in the list view is remembered and restored when going back to the account list after leaving the page. (B-17039, 2/7/2023)
- All Note Assist Audit Runs Included in Report - In the previous release the Audit Run Count in the Note Assist Usage Report did not count an audit that was run using the "Run Review" button within the Note Assist window (unless a new audit was selected) or if the Note Assist key in Mobile Voice was tapped multiple times in the same text area. In the 18.0.0 release an audit run is counted in nVoq.Voice and nVoq.Mobile Voice each time the Note Assist window is opened, and every time an audit is run using the "Run Review" button. In Mobile Voice an audit is also counted when a new audit is selected from the audit menu, which automatically runs a review. (B-16987, 2/9/2023)
- Accounts Page New Pagination, Configure Items per Page - In the previous releases the list view on the Accounts page could only display up to 10,000 accounts, even if there were more than that in the selected organization or that met search criteria. Now that the Accounts page can display all accounts (see "Accounts Page Sort Includes All Accounts..." above), the list view may include multiple pages to make viewing easier. You can navigate through the pages in the list view by using arrows at the bottom of the page. The number of accounts that display on each page can be selected in a new Items per Page drop-down menu at the bottom of the page. Options are 25, 50, 100 (the default), 150, or 200. The number selected on this menu is retained when you navigate to different pages in nVoq.Administrator, or when you sign out and sign back in. The setting will also be saved for other pages in nVoq.Administrator that have pagination in the future. (B-17082, 2/22/2023)
- Accounts Page Mass Updates on All Accounts - In the previous releases you could only make mass updates to up to 10,000 accounts at once, even if there were more than that in the selected organization or that met search criteria. Now that pagination has been added (see "Accounts Page New Pagination..." above), when you select all accounts in the list view (by putting a checkmark in the box on the left side of the column headers) if there are more items in the organization or that meet current search criteria than are selected on the page, a message appears letting you know that all the accounts displaying on the page have been selected and that you can select all accounts on all pages instead. (This message does not display if the total number of accounts is less than or equal to the number of accounts selected.) This allows you to make mass updates, like updating client group or products, to all accounts* in the selected organization or that meet search criteria at once. Mass updates that go to a separate page first (Update Client Group, Update Enabled Through, Update Note Assist, and Update Products) can only show the maximum number of accounts that you selected on the new Items per Page menu (see "Accounts Page New Pagination..." above). However, updates will be made to all accounts* even if they do not show on the page. *All accounts refers to accounts that you are allowed to edit. You cannot make changes to accounts that have an Administrator Role at a higher Administrator Level than yours. (B-17082, 2/22/2023)
- Review & Correct Page No Longer Automatically Retrieves Transactions - Per customer request, the Review & Correct page will no longer automatically retrieve data for the current date for all accounts in the selected organization when you navigate to that page. Instead you must click the refresh icon to see any data. Select the appropriate filters for the transactions you want to view first, and then click the refresh icon to retrieve them. If you view the Detail Review & Correct page for any transaction and then navigate directly back to the Review & Correct page list view, the list you were previously viewing will be automatically retrieved. If you navigate to other pages in nVoq.Administrator or sign out and sign back in, previously used filter and search criteria remain at the top of the page, but data is not retrieved until you click the refresh icon again. (B-16550, 3/7/2023)
- Review & Correct Page Improvements: All Transactions Display with New Pagination - In the previous releases the list view on the Review & Correct page could only display up to 10,000 transactions, even if there were more than that for the selected organization or that met filter or search criteria. Now all transactions can display, and may do so on multiple pages to make viewing easier. You can navigate through the pages in the list view by using arrows at the bottom of the page. The number of transactions that display on each page can be selected in a new Items per Page drop-down menu at the bottom of the page. Options are 25, 50, 100 (the default), 150, or 200. The number selected on this menu is retained when you navigate to different pages in nVoq.Administrator, or when you sign out and sign back in. The setting will also be used on other pages in nVoq.Administrator that have pagination now (the Accounts page) and in the future. The number of transactions that you can scroll through on the Detail Review & Correct page using Previous and Next buttons is determined by this setting. You can only use Next and Previous buttons to view items on one page at a time. For example, if you select 25 items per page, you will only be able to scroll through 25 transactions using the Next and Previous buttons. To view the next 25 transactions you will need to return to the list view and select a new page. (B-15792, 3/14/2023)
- Review & Correct Page Improvements: Download & Sort All Transactions - Also new on the Review & Correct page, you can now download all transactions. In previous releases you could only download transactions visible on the screen. Sorting on this page has also been improved because all transactions are also included when data is sorted. Sorted data in the list view is updated when a new column is selected for sorting, or when a different organization is selected from the organization menu. These actions now make a webservice call to the server to return all transactions. (B-15792, 3/14/2023)
- Review & Correct Page Improvements: Search All Transactions - The Search field has also been improved. Previously this feature could only search the 10,000 transactions that displayed in the list view on screen. The Search now sends a new web request to the server to search through all transactions in the selected organization to find a match. A search is initiated when two or more characters are entered in the field. The search request looks in information in the columns visible on screen. If columns on the page change (using Customize Columns) after you have entered search criteria, a new search request is sent to the server. The total number of results (displayed in the upper-left of the screen) is now correct, and may be spread across multiple pages. (B-15792, 3/14/2023)
- Changed Workflows on Detail Review & Correct Page - An unintentional consequence of some of the changes made on the Review & Correct page for 18.0.0 is that there are some workflow changes when viewing the Detail Review & Correct page. In 17.2.0, if you are viewing the Timeline tab and then click the Next or Previous button, the view stays on the Timeline tab. In 18.0.0, the view returns to the Review tab. Additionally in 17.2.0 if you view the Substitution tab, the Original Transcript Difference tab, or Substituted Transcript Difference tab and then click a Next or Previous button, the view stays on the tab you are viewing. In 18.0.0, the page goes back to displaying the default tabs: Original and Corrected. (B-15792, 3/14/2023)
- Accounts Menu Improvements - The Accounts menu that appears on the Review & Correct, Sentence Models, Shortcuts, Substitutions, Vocabulary, and Word Finder pages has been improved. In previous releases this drop-down menu only had access to 3,000 accounts, even if there were more than that in the selected organization. This meant that an account you needed to find may not have been displayed nor found using the Find Account filter at the top of the menu. In the 18.0.0 release the Accounts menu on all pages will now display up to 250 accounts, but ALL accounts can be found using the Find Accounts filter at the top. If there are more than 250 accounts in the selected organization, the bottom of the menu will say, "Showing 250 out of [#] possible accounts." Use the Find Account filter to find any account that exists in the selected organization, even if it is not displayed in the menu. (B-15792, 3/14/2023)
Bug Fixes in nVoq.Administrator
- Fix for Note Assist & Product Usage Reports Not Showing Default Sort Column - The Note Assist Usage and Product Usage reports did not have a default column set for sorting items on the reports, so the sorting could be confusing. As a work-around you can click on any column to sort items as you want to see them. In the 18.0.0 release of nVoq.Administrator these reports will automatically sort by Last Name by default. An arrow (pointing up or down) next to the column name indicates the column by which each report is sorted. (D-13110, 11/15/2022)
- Fix for Account Enabled Report Displays Incorrect Disabled/Billable Times - The Account Enabled report shows the "Disabled During Date Range" and "Trial During Date Range" times as ending early at 17:59:59 on the last day of the month rather than at the very end of the day at 23:59:59. Users set to become disabled after the configured date can still access the system for the entire day, since the job to disable accounts does not run until after the day has ended. This did not affect billing either, as scripts were run manually to fix this error before billing reports ran. In 18.0.0 the Account Enabled report will display these times as 23:59:59 in the Mountain Time zone, and will adjust for other time zones. (For example, if the time zone in nVoq.Administrator is set to Eastern, the time will display 01:59:59 the following day.) Actual billing is based on Coordinated Universal Time adjusted for the Mountain Time zone. (D-13118, 1/10/2023)
- Fix for Upload Account Issues - When creating accounts by uploading a CSV file you should be able to include additional columns in the file that are listed in the API for creating an account, but there are some problems with some of the optional parameters. The employee ID parameter was written as "employee_ID" in the API but does not work in the CSV file unless it is written as "employeeId". The API documentation has been updated to list this parameter correctly. The email field does not work for file upload unless the column header is written as "E-Mail" but it is listed as "email" in the API documentation. This parameter has been updated so that it is case insensitive; the column header can now be "email" or "e-mail" or "E-mail". Columns that did not require a yes/no (or true/false) answer are being translated to Boolean values. This has been fixed. Finally, the products parameter can not be included on the CSV file at all. In 18.0.0 products can be added on the CSV file using the product codes listed in the API documentation, with a comma separated string (for example NVDSK-VOC-000,NVMBD-KEY-000). (D-13136, 1/10/2022)
- Fix for Original Transcript Missing Words (Transcript with Substitutions OK) - It was reported to us that a dictation transcript in the Original tab of the Detail Review & Correct page in nVoq.Administrator was missing words at the end, while the text in the Substitution tab displayed the entire transcript. This issue occurred in a dictation client using STABLETEXT with specific substitutions enabled, and has been fixed. The problem was only been visible in nVoq.Administrator since the dictation client would have displayed substitutions in the transcript. (D-13149, 2/16/2023)
- Fix for Disabled Users Appear as Billable on Product Usage Report - In the previous release, the Product Usage report includes disabled users when the "Billable" filter is used. In the 18.0.0 release the report has been updated to take the disabled status into account. Users that were disabled at the end of the reporting date range will no longer show up on the report when the "Billable" filter is selected. (D-13161, 2/22/23)
- Mid-Dictation Command Guidelines Added to API Documentation - Guidelines for using a
, andweight
have been added to theparams
documentation for the STARTDICTATION WebSocket method to make it easier to create mid-dictation commands that should work better. (B-16991, 11/15/2022) - Matching and Grammar APIs Deprecated - We have deprecated the Server-Side Matching API and the Grammar API used for shortcuts. We will be migrating to mid-dictation commands going forward. All endpoints under the Grammar and Matching tabs of the nVoq API have been marked as deprecated, and you should stop using them by the end of 2023. (B-16955, 11/21/2022)
- Bountary Request Documentation Improved - Information about how to use the WebSocket method for Boundary Request has been improved. (B-16939, 11/21/2022)
- APIs Updated to Allow Wireless Mics to Use WebSockets - As part of our work in progress to allow nVoq.Wireless Microphones to use WebSocket dictation, API documentation was updated. In the previous release, the method to Open a WebSocket Observer Connection listed an incorrect path. That has been updated to
. In the endpoint to Register a Destination, thefeatures
parameter can now be used to allow a WebSocket setting in the Wireless Microphone to be honored (usingpreferredCommProtocol:websocket
). If thepreferredCommProtocol
is absent, Wireless Microphones use HTTP events. On the Process Dictation Key Pressed endpoint, a newtObserverKey
parameter has been added which allows destinations to establish a websocket connection to recieve transcription text from the dictation server. (B-16980, 12/15/2022) - Create an Account/Update a Single Account API Improvements - As part of our work to fix account upload issues for nVoq.Administrator, a few things have been fixed in the API for creating an account and updating a single account. The Employee ID parameter was written in the API documentation as
which did not actually work. It's been changed toemployeeId
, which does. The email parameter did not work in nVoq.Administrator unless it was written asE-Mail
, though it was listed asemail
in the API documentation. This is now case insensitive and the logic was relaxed so that you can now useemail
. Previously parameters that did not require a yes or no (or true or false) answer were being translated to Boolean values. Now only columns where this is necessary are translated to Boolean, including: enabled, clientAccess, accuracyOptimizationService, nonBillable, fastDictation, voiceShortcuts, showPasteHistory, directText, automaticSpacing, noteAssistAvailable, multiFactorAuthentication. TheclientGroup
parameter was missing from the API documentation request body and has now been added. It has also been added to the API for updating a single account. (D-13136, 1/10/2022) - New Search Parameters Added to Retrieve List of Accounts Endpoint - As a result of work done in nVoq.Administrator to improve the search on the Accounts page, two new parameters have been added to the endpoint to retrieve a list of accounts:
(the search query) andqc
(the fields at which the query looks for a match). (B-17081, 2/2/2023) - New Sort Parameter, Header Added to Retrieve a List of Accounts Endpoint - As a result of our work on improvements to sorting on the Accounts page in nVoq.Administrator, a new query parameter (
) has been added to the API endpoint for retrieving a list of accounts. The default value islastName:asc
. This webservice also now returns some of the parameters that were previously computed in the client so that more columns could be sorted by the webservice including:access
, andorderedProducts
) has also been added which lists the total number of accounts.(B-17039, 2/7/2023)X-Total-Count
- New Webservice to Download Accounts -A new webservice was needed to download accounts as a result of pagination being added to the Accounts page in nVoq.Administrator. The webservice allows a customer administrator to download a CSV file of account information by providing a comma-separated list of parameters. (B-17083, 2/16/2023)
- External ID and Metadata Now Optional Parameters for WebSocket Transcription Observer - Support has been added to the dictation server to allow sending a separate external ID or metadata for a transcription observer WebSocket connection. Optional
parameters were added to the STARTDICTION method request examples for the WebSockets Transcription Observer. (D-13160, 2/20/2023) - Features Updated for Wireless Mic Register a Destination Endpoint - The features available for the iOS Wireless Microphone have been updated in the Register a Destination endpoint. There are additional instructions for how to include (or exclude) shortcut types and voice shortcuts, how to return both HYPOTHESISTEXT and STABLETEXT, and how to add Independent Software Vendor (ISV) or nVoq product information that will appear in nVoq.Administrator's Review & Correct. (D-13160, 2/20/2023)
- New Heartbeat Method for WebSocket Transcription Observer - An optional heartbeat method can be added for a transcription observer WebSocket connection. The client may optionally send this message to the server to find out if it is still connected to the server, or to obtain round-trip time metrics. (D-13160, 2/20/2023)
- New Endpoints for Mass Updates to ALL Accounts - As a result of our work adding pagination to the Accounts page in nVoq.Administrator, three new endpoints have been created that allow you to make changes to ALL accounts in a selected organization or that meet search criteria. The new endpoints include updating properties for all accounts (like the Enabled Through date and/or Products), deleting all accounts, and enabling or disabling all accounts. (B-17082, 2/22/2023)
- Enable User Shortcuts for Mobile Voice for Organization - You can now add a new property to your organization that will enable user shortcuts in Mobile Voice for a tenant. A tenant-level administrator can use this endpoint to post the new
property to the organization. The default is false when this property is not defined. When this property is defined as true, users in the tenant can use their own account shortcuts in Mobile Voice, they can add, edit, and delete account shortcuts in Mobile Voice, and they can view organization shortcuts in Mobile Voice. When this property is false or not defined, users in the tenant can only use organization shortcuts in Mobile Voice. (B-17099, 2/27/2023) - Organization Property to Force HTTP Connections on iOS Wireless Mic - As part of our work in updating the iOS Wireless Microphone to use WebSocket connections for dictation instead of HTTP, a new tenant-level property (
"wMicForceHttp": "true"
) has been created which allows you to force the iOS Wireless Microphone to use HTTP for dictation when that is necessary for your client. When this property is false or not defined, the iOS Wireless Mic will use WebSocket connections. An explanation of this property has been added to the API for creating organization properties, and an example of it was added to the response samples for the API for retrieving organization properties. (B-17034, 3/9/2023) - Retrieve Transactions Updates - As part of our work to improve the Review & Correct page in nVoq.Administrator, changes have been made to the the API to retrieve transactions. The 10,000 transaction result limit has been removed, and new query parameters
, andc
have been added. (B-15792, 3/14/2023) - New Download All Transactions Endpoint- As part of our work to improve the Review & Correct page in nVoq.Administrator, a new endpoint for downloading all transactions was created. This endpoint allows administrators to download a CSV file of all dictation and shortcut transactions under a given organization path. (B-15792, 3/14/2023)
- Time Zone Added to Download All Accounts Endpoint - As part of our work to improve the Accounts page in nVoq.Administrtor, a new
parameter has been added to the endpoint to download all accounts which allows First Login and Last Login data to display the appropriate time zone for downloaded accounts. (B-15792, 3/14/2023)