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Knowledge Base & Troubleshooting
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Knowledge Base & Troubleshooting
29 Articles
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A Product Troubleshooting Process
nVoq Product Troubleshooting Process Guide for Tier 1 Support Introduction nVoq takes pride in our 99.9% uptime (and we recommend that you subscribe to system status updates). Generally, any issues a User encounters can be resolved through accou...
Account Disabled
Issue: When attempting to log in to an nVoq application I get a message that states, "Your account has been disabled. Please contact your administrator." You will get this message if your account has been manually disabled by an administrator...
Account Temporarily Locked
Issue: When attempting to log in to an nVoq application I get a message that states, "Your account has been temporarily locked. Please try again after 15 minutes or reset your password for immediate access." This message displays if you enter a...
Android Clipboard
If you have text that you need to paste repeatedly you can use the Edge Panels Clipboard on your Android tablet while using Mobile Voice. If your device is running Android 11 or earlier, you can use the Android Clipboard. Instructions for bot...
Android Microphone Location
It's very important when dictating with nVoq.MobileVoice to speak into the microphone . But where is the microphone? The microphone is embedded in a pinhole on your device. For phone-type devices the microphone is at the bottom of the devi...
Antivirus Exclusions and Website Whitelist
Antivirus Exclusions for nVoq Voice C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Programs\nVoq Voice C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\nVoq Voice-updater C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\nVoq Voice Antimalware Exclusion for nVoq Voice C:\Users...
AVG CloudCare Manage Exceptions
Exclude a URL on AVG CloudCare™ to Resolve SSL Connection Errors If you are having a problem with an “SSL Connection Error” on a user’s system when attempting to connect to the Voice URL (i.e. ), you may have a firewall o...
Dictation Accuracy FAQ
Reviewing Clinician Dictations How do I review user dictations? How do I correct user dictations? Why should I review and correct dictations? How do I find a specific misrecognition reported by a clinician? How do I find a spe...
Dictation Accuracy Troubleshooting
Issue: Dictations have very poor recognition accuracy, recordings are poor quality, transcripts do not reflect what is said during dictation, voice client returns words that were not dictated, or dictations are not formatted correctly. What to do:...
Dictation: Getting the Most out of Speech Recognition
The speech recognizer uses a combination of the sounds you make when speaking (acoustics) and the likely spoken sequences of words (language) to figure out what you are saying. They work together to produce a transcript. As you speak, the recognizer...
Shortcut Usage Report Shows No Matches
Issue: On the Shortcut Usage report I see a high number of No Matches (nm) for a user. "No Match" applies to voice shortcuts only. What to do: Check that the user belongs to the correct group. The user may be attempting to use voi...
Dictation Latency
Issue: My client is very slow to respond when I try to dictate. There could be an issue on the customer's network or computer, or an issue with nVoq's servers. What to do: For slow dictations, go to the Review & Correct page ...
Dictation Transcripts Include Typos or Misspellings
Issue: There is a persistent typo or misspelling that appears in dictation transcripts. What to do: Use Word Finder to locate the word in your system and remove it. (If the word appears in the "Group Topic," contact nVoq Support. I...
Dictation: Vocabulary Not Recognized
Issue: Vocabulary terms have been added to an account or organization, but they are not being recognized in dictations. Vocabulary terms (like names) that are very unique, do not have the necessary pronunciations, or do not have enough statisti...
Google Advanced Protection Timed Out
Issue: When downloading nVoq Voice on the Chrome browser I see a message that voice.exe may be dangerous, and I am given the option to send it to Google Advanced Protection for scanning. When I click the Send button, I get a Timed Out message t...
HCHB Citrix with Voice and Note Assist
Issue: nVoq Voice and/or Note Assist are not working in my Homecare Homebase Citrix environment: Text does not paste from Voice dictation or the Note Assist window. or The Voice dictation button is not on top of my HCHB windows. ...
iOS Wireless Mic Relink to Voice
Issue: When nVoq Voice is paired with the nVoq.Wireless Microphone for iOS, updates to Voice are not reflected in nVoq Administrator's Review & Correct until Voice is re-linked on the Wireless Mic app. Dictations are recorded properly and app...
Microphone Audio Quality Examples
If using the voice client for dictation, audio quality makes all the difference between a good experience and a bad one. Many factors can influence audio quality, including the microphone that you use, speaking too loud or too fast, or...
Microphone: Enable the Microphone
You will want to make sure your computer is using the correct audio input device for your voice client. Additionally, you may need to disable any extra microphones that you won't be using as they may cause audio "fuzz" or an echo, which will substa...
Microphone Resources
A microphone is required to use nVoq dictation. Below are resources to help you select an approved microphone: Microphones Guide nVoq Wireless Microphone for iOS ...
Mobile Voice for Android Knowledge Base & Troubleshooting
21 Articles
in this category
Mobile Voice iOS - Enable Allow Full Access
Issue: Mobile Voice for iOS was deleted from your device and now when reinstalling it, the Installation Wizard doesn't do anything on Step 1, and on Step 2 a message says, Enable "Allow full access" above the keyboard. What to do...
Automatic Updates for Android & iOS Apps
Follow the instructions below to have your nVoq.Wireless Microphone app for Android or iOS or your nVoq Mobile Voice app for Android be updated automatically when a new version is deployed to the Google Play store or Apple App Store. Changing t...
nVoq Administrator: Unable to Access Pages (Server Error)
Issue: When attempting to access pages in nVoq Administrator I cannot get to the page. I get a server error, or the administrator console is frozen or unresponsive. You may experience this issue as we deploy updates to our application servers a...
Review & Correct Error Messages
Issue: The Review & Correct list view shows that one or more of my transactions had an error. What does it mean? What to do: The nVoq Administrator documentation about Review & Correct lists many of the possible error messages and thei...
Run as Administrator (Windows)
If you experience issues, such as the nVoq Voice hotkeys not working or the inability to get text to paste into the application when trying to dictate into a third-party application (like an EMR), this may be caused by the third-party application ...
Support Ticket Help (FreshDesk)
Creating and managing tickets for nVoq Support is done through the FreshDesk support portal. Before you submit a ticket to nVoq, please complete all appropriate Tier 1 troubleshooting (see Tier 1 Support Expectations ). We encoura...
System Links
nVoq Voice Test System This is the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) system and includes the changes being made to nVoq Voice before they are deployed to production. Voice URL: Healthcare System This is a production sys...
System Status
To monitor current and historical activity for our production systems take a look at Stay informed about maintenance and outages by subscribing to updates! Just click the SUBSCRIBE TO UPDATES...
Tier 1 Support Expectations
nVoq providers Tier 2 support. Our direct support contact information should only be used by your IT personnel who have completed Tier 1 troubleshooting. ✔ Only support agents should contact nVoq directly via the support ticket por...
Unable to Log In
Issue: A client user or administrator user is unable to log in. What to do: Make sure they are not using the wrong username or password. Users can find their own username or reset their own password by clicking on the Forgot Username o...
Wireless Mic Switching Computer Linked to Voice
These are the steps to follow if you need to switch to a new computer that you use with nVoq Voice and the nVoq Wireless Microphone (Android or iOS): Before turning off the old computer, make sure to sign out of nVoq Voice on the old computer ...