A Product Troubleshooting Process
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A Product Troubleshooting Process

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Article summary

nVoq Product Troubleshooting Process Guide for Tier 1 Support


nVoq takes pride in our 99.9% uptime (and we recommend that you subscribe to system status updates). Generally, any issues a User encounters can be resolved through account management, device and product troubleshooting, or resetting configurations to their original settings. User experience and preferences issues are addressed in our Technical FAQs, designed to assist your IT team with the majority of User requests.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Process

  1. Account Verification and Initial Review

  1. Verify if the User has an open and enabled account using nVoq Administrator.
  2. On the Edit Account page, review the Account Information and Account Properties.
  3. If the User is experiencing issues with dictations (e.g., text not returning or very inaccurate text), log into nVoq Administrator and listen to recent dictations for analysis using Review & Correct.

  1. Device Troubleshooting

  • Perform standard device troubleshooting steps:
    1. Power cycle the device.
    2. Double-check configuration settings and device permissions.
    3. Conduct organization-specific device troubleshooting.


  1. Consult Product FAQs and nVoq Troubleshooting Articles

    1. Review appropriate Product FAQs for solutions to the reported issue.
    2. Review appropriate Knowledge Base & Troubleshooting articles.


  1. Reinstallation Process


  1. Escalation to Internal IT Team

    • If the issue persists, escalate it to your internal Tier 2 IT Agent with nVoq Administrator access (a Product Specialist or Subject Matter Expert).
    • Document all steps taken to reproduce the issue and route it to the appropriate IT team member.


  1. Escalation to nVoq Support

    • Escalations to nVoq should only be made by an authorized administrator through our Administrator Support Portal.
    • nVoq Tier 2 Support is available 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time Monday-Friday with phone support. The Administrator Support Portal is also available 24/7 for administrators to escalate issues.
    • Ensure that all efforts with account management, device troubleshooting, and the uninstall/reinstall process have been completed by your internal IT teams.
    • Provide the following information to create an Escalation Ticket in the Administrator Support Portal with the following required fields:
      • nVoq Product: Specify the product in question.
      • nVoq Release Version: Indicate the version of the product being used.
      • Usernames Impacted: List the usernames affected by the issue.
      • Dictation IDs (if applicable): Include dictation IDs related to the issue.
      • Troubleshooting Completed: Detail the steps taken to troubleshoot and reproduce the issue.
      • Screenshots: Attach screenshots of errors or unexpected behavior.



This Universal Product Troubleshooting Process is designed to ensure a systematic approach to resolving technical issues with nVoq products. By following these steps, your IT team can efficiently address and resolve User issues, leveraging our support resources when necessary.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please have your nVoq Administrator contact nVoq Support. nVoq Tier 2 Support is available 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time M-F with phone support. The Support portal is also available 24/7 for nVoq Admins to escalate issues. Our SLA for escalation tickets is one business day.