Android Wireless Mic: Sign In
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Android Wireless Mic: Sign In

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Article summary

If you are using the nVoq Wireless Microphone as your recording device with nVoq Voice, you must sign in to both Voice and the Wireless Mic using your nVoq account. Using the Wireless Mic with an SSO account like Okta or Microsoft is not currently supported.

  1. On your computer, sign in to your dictation client with which you want to use the Wireless Microphone.
    1. SSO (signing in with Microsoft or Okta) is NOT SUPPORTED when using nVoq Voice with the nVoq Wireless Microphone. You must use an nVoq account (Sign in with Username).sign-in-to-dictation-client-Voice-system-screen-NO-SSO
    2. You must sign in to the dictation client (Voice) using the SAME nVoq account that you use to sign in with the Wireless Mic. sign-in-to-dictation-client-Voice

  2. Make sure your dictation client is configured to use the Wireless Microphone as the recording device. See Setup in nVoq Voice for more information.

  3. On the Wireless Microphone app, enter the same Username and Password that you used to sign in to the dictation client.
    To see the password characters you typed, tap the eye icon.
Forgot password?
If you don't know your Username or Password, you can tap the Forgot Password? link on the sign in screen and follow the instructions.


  1. If you use the dictation client on the Healthcare system (, leave the Server field on the default setting.
    If you use the dictation client on another system, tap the server name to open a list of other servers.

    The Canada system ( is already in the list. Tap to log in to that one.
    If you need to use a system that is not listed, just type in the name of the system into the Server field (for example, The next time you log in, the system you entered will still be saved in your server list.


  1. Tap the Sign In button.
    Some possible error messages:
    • Something went wrong. Try again later. - This may indicate that a connection cannot be made to the server. Make sure you are connecting to the Internet.
    • Account not authorized for this service. - This indicates that the account does not have Client Access. You must have Client Access configured for your account to use this application.
    • Your account is temporarily locked. Please try again after 15 minutes or reset your password for immediate access. - Your account becomes locked when an incorrect password has been entered too many times. You can either wait 15 minutes to try to enter the correct password again, or you can tap the Forgot Password link on the sign in screen to change your password for immediate access. If you change your password be sure to sign out of ALL applications to which you sign in with an nVoq account (including Voice or your nVoq partner dictation client, Mobile Voice, and/or nVoq Administrator) and sign back in with your new password.


  1. If your account was configured to require a password reset the first time you sign in to an nVoq application or if you password has expired you will automatically be taken to a screen where you must change your password. Enter your new password twice and tap the Change button.
  • As you type into the New Password field, colored bars and the words "Very weak" (red bar), "Medium" (orange bar), or "Strong" (green bar) appear below the field. When you have entered a password that meets the strength requirement a green checkmark is displayed to the right of the field.
  • Your password strength requirement is listed above the Old Password field.
The strength requirement of your password is configured at the division level for your organization.
If your account has an Administrator Role your password must be "medium" regardless of what is configured for your division.
  • Click the eye icon on the right side of the password field to see the characters you type. 
  • As you type into the Confirm New Password field, the outline of the field is red until you enter the password that matches the one you entered in the New Password field.
  • The Change button will not become active until an acceptable password has been entered into the New Password field and into the Confirm New Password field.
    Your new password must match the division's password strength (and cannot be higher).
    In the current release there is a known issue in which your new password must match your division's assigned password strength exactly and cannot be a higher strength password. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.
    Possible error messages after you tap the Change Password button include:
  • Old password must match current password - The password your entered in the Old Password field does not match the password currently set for your account. If you don't know your password, use the Forgot Password link on the sign in screen to create a new one.
  • New and confirm not matching - The password you typed in the New Password field is different than the one you typed in the Confirm New Password field. Tap on the eye icon in both password fields to see what you typed into each field.
  • Password has been used previously - Your organization prevents a certain number of previous nVoq passwords from being reused. The number of previous nVoq passwords that cannot be reused is configured in nVoq Administrator for your division-level organization.


  1. The Wireless Microphone will automatically pair with your dictation client if you are already signed in to it and configured to use it with the Wireless Microphone. 
    • The dictation client to which the Wireless Microphone is linked is listed below the All Shortcuts button. If you are signed in to more than one dictation client and want to pair with a different one, see the instructions at Dictation Screen Buttons: Linked To.

      If you see a message stating, "Please sign in to Voice Client then tap here" or "No voice client found, " you are either NOT signed in to a dictation client on your computer OR you haven't enabled the voice client to work with the Wireless Microphone. You need to sign into the dictation client on your computer and (if you have not already done so) configure the nVoq dictation client to use the wireless microphone as the recording device. 
      See Setup in nVoq Voice for more information.


  1. You're ready to record a dictation!

Next Step...Use Dictation