16.0 nVoq Platform Release Notes
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16.0 nVoq Platform Release Notes

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Article Summary

16.0 nVoq Dictation, SayIt, SayIt Administrator, nVoq.Administrator, Shortcut Designer, and nVoq APIs Release
January 2021

 nVoq.Voice is not part of this release. The 16.0 version of nVoq.Voice was released in November 2020.

nVoq Dictation

The updates in this section impact all dictation clients, including SayIt, Voice, and Mobile Voice as well as ISV partner clients using nVoq dictation. 
  • Fix for Poorly Formatted Profile Crashing Dictation Servers - An issue was discovered in which a user account with a poorly formatted profile was causing dictation servers to crash when the user submitted dictations. To fix this issue, a check was added for profile issues that will send a message to the dictation server to not perform the final review of the transcript, and additionally a rebuild of the user's profile will be triggered to keep the issue from occurring again. (D-12178, 10/14/2020)
  • Fix for Direct Text Tokenizing Vocabulary Term in Final Transcript - A user dictating with Direct Text was seeing "next_field" (with an underscore) return in the transcript instead of "next field" (no underscore) when a vocabulary term of "next-field" existed in the user vocabulary. This has been fixed in 16.0. (D-12180, 10/21/2020)
  • Fix for Early Morning HTTP Dictation Delays - nVoq received reports of users experiencing latency with HTTP dictations on the Healthcare system between 1AM and 7AM Mountain Time (3AM-9AM Eastern). This has been fixed in 16.0. We discovered that a delay was caused by a call in our code to clean up data during our nightly data persistence job. This call is not needed and has been removed. (D-12268, 10/28/2020)
  • Refactor Sentence Modeling Process - The process by which sentence modeling is used in dictation processing has been refactored to improve average accuracy across all topics for users with sentence modeling but no vocabulary. Accuracy improvements are based on the sentence modeling’s potential impact on accuracy. (B-15869, 12/29/2020)

SayIt and AgentAssistNew Features & Improvements in SayIt/AgentAssist

  • N/A

Bug Fixes in SayIt/AgentAssist

  • Fix for Audio File Left Behind After Closing SayIt - The SayIt client creates a .WAV file in the local system's %TEMP% directory (typically C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Temp\) when a diction or voice shortcut is recorded to allow you to play back your last recorded audio without having to retrieve it from a server. Each subsequent recording replaces the previous one so that there is only one dictation and/or shortcut recording saved at a given time. This file should be deleted when you log out of SayIt, but in previous releases it would not always be deleted when you exit SayIt by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the client window. The file would remain even after a reboot of the computer, but would be deleted when SayIt was relaunched. As a work-around you could delete this file manually by going to the %TEMP% folder or by relaunching SayIt and closing out again, but this has been fixed in 16.0. All audio files created by SayIt are now deleted when SayIt exits, whether by selecting Log Out from the Options menu or by selecting the X in upper-right corner of the client window. (D-12115, 9/2/2020)

Features Removed from SayIt/AgentAssist

  • N/A


SayIt Administrator

New Features & Improvements in SayIt Administrator

  • System-Generated Sentence Model Documents Now Include Company Name - System-generated sentence model documents created from corrected transcripts currently include the group name followed by the division name followed by the date range of the search for corrections (for example, Analysts.Joplin (Group)_ASL.Global.Management (Division)_2020-04-01_2020-05-13_0001.txt). The document now includes the company name too, so you can tell exactly which organizations the sentence model came from. (D-12158, 10/1/2020)
  • "Have you tried the new nVoq.Administrator?" Message - Prior to logging in to SayIt Administrator, a message will now display asking if you have tried nVoq.Administrator. The message lists some of the benefits of nVoq.Administrator as well as a warning that SayIt Administrator will be discontinued. Three buttons on the message allow you to either continue to log in to SayIt Administrator (Later), to view the online documentation for nVoq.Administrator (Tell Me More), or to proceed to the nVoq.Administrator sign in screen instead (Let's Go). (B-15872, 12/9/2020)

Bug Fixes in SayIt Administrator

  • Fix for Subscription Management Report Showing Renewal Date for Enterprise Account - The Subscription Management report Detail view lists a value in the Renewal Date column for accounts that were previously configured with a yearly subscription plan (1, 3, or 5 year) but were switched to an Enterprise plan. Accounts with Enterprise subscription plans do not have renewal dates, and the column listed the renewal date that corresponded to the previously configured yearly plan. This has been fixed. In 16.0, these accounts will have no value listed in the Renewal Date column on the report. (D-12132, 10/26/2020)
  • Fix for Billing Subscriptions Canceled One Month Later in Billing System - The cancellation date on an account billing subscription should be the Enabled Though date, but instead is set to one month from that date in the billing system. This issue impacts users on a monthly or yearly plan, and was being managed manually by nVoq. This has been fixed. In 16.0, canceled subscriptions go into effect on the correct date in the billing system. (D-12206, 11/3/2020)
  • Fix for Change of Enterprise Account Info Not Updated in Billing System - In an effort to track down billing issues occurring in production systems it was discovered that changing user account information (such as username, first name, last name, or email address) on the Accounts page in nVoq.Administrator or SayIt Administrator does not update the information in our third-party billing system for accounts with an Enterprise plan. This has been fixed in 16.0. Any changes in either nVoq.Administrator or SayIt Administrator to an Enterprise account username, first name, last name, or email will also be updated in the billing system going forward. (D-12315, 12/14/2020)

Features Removed from SayIt Administrator

  • Three- and Five-Year Subscription Plans Retired - Due to customer billing model changes, the 3-year and 5-year billing subscription plans are no longer needed and have been retired. Accounts on production systems with these plans have already been reconfigured with different plans, and the option to add these plans to accounts was also removed from tenants so new accounts could not be created with them. Accounts on test or other non-production systems will be automatically migrated to a 1-year plan when 16.0 is installed. (Accounts on non-production systems are non-billable, regardless of plan.) (B-15682, 11/5/2020)





New Features & Improvements in nVoq.Administrator

  • System Health Report Data Added to Review & Correct Page for Dictations - Information from the System Health report has been added to the Detail Review & Correct page in nVoq.Administrator so that you can troubleshoot dictation issues per transaction from one page. Each dictation will have a "Timeline" tab on the Detail Review & Correct page that includes a timeline of events for the specific dictation on the dictation server, as well as metadata such as dictation topic used. The new Timeline tab is only displayed for dictation items. All time stamps are displayed according to the time zone setting configured for the administrator in nVoq.Administrator. Unlike the timeline of events on the System Health report in SayIt Administrator, in nVoq.Administrator the timeline is in the actual order that events occurred, so there will never be negative deltas which could be confusing. If events occurred out of the expected order or if an expected event did not occur at all, events that follow are shaded in blue to bring attention to it. (B-15447, 8/31/2020)
  • Microphone Used for Dictation Added to Timeline - The microphone used for a specific dictation will now display on the dictation Timeline on the Detail Review & Correct page. If one of the nVoq Wireless Microphone apps or the nVoq.Mobile Voice app was used for dictation, those microphones will be listed. If a preferred microphone was selected in the nVoq.Voice Settings, the name of that microphone will be listed; otherwise this will just say, "Default microphone". For dictations recorded in SayIt, a value will be listed only if one of the Wireless Microphone apps were used to record the dictation; otherwise this field will be blank. (B-15782, 9/1/2020)
  • Add Org Shortcut and Account Shortcut with Same Name to Folder - To create parity between nVoq.Administrator and Shortcut Designer capabilities, you can now put an organization shortcut and account shortcut with the same name into an account folder in nVoq.Administrator. Keep in mind however that in SayIt, users will still only see (and be able to use) the account shortcut if both shortcuts have the same name. (D-12164, 9/3/2020)
  • Pages Retain Sort Order After Filter Change - If you've got items in a list view on a page in nVoq.Administrator sorted on any column other than the default, the sort would go back to the default if filters on the page were changed, like selecting a different organization in the organization menu, or changing a date filter. In 16.0,  any time you sort the list view by a different column other than the default, nVoq.Administrator will retain that sort setting even after changing a filter. (D-11935, 9/3/2020)
  • Add Account Shortcuts to Organization Folder - To create parity between nVoq.Administrator and Shortcut Designer capabilities, anyone can add account shortcuts for their own account to an organization folder.  (D-11638, 9/8/2020)
  • Add Account and Organization Shortcuts to Any Account - To create parity between nVoq.Administrator and Shortcut Designer capabilities, any user can have shortcuts assigned to their account, even if they are an admin-only user without client access. (D-11638, 9/8/2020)
  • Active Account Detail Report - The Active Account Detail report has been added to nVoq.Administrator Reports. By including the Last Sign In column, this report combines data from from the Account Monitor report in SayIt Administrator, so there will not be a separate Account Monitor report in nVoq.Administrator. Unlike the Active Accounts report in SayIt Administrator, the timestamp for last activity listed in this report is not impacted by date range selected; it's just the literal date and time of last client activity performed. (B-15697, 9/9/2020)
  • View List of Themes and Delete Themes - Work has begun in the Theme page in nVoq.Administrator, which is only available to Tenant level administrators and above. As of this writing, you can view a list of existing themes and delete a theme. (B-15772, 9/10/2020)
  • Total Usage Report Column Name Change - On both the Total Usage Summary and the Total Usage Detail reports, the column that lists the total number of minutes of dictation audio recorded for the date range was named "Minutes of Audio," which could be confusing since the calculation for this column did not include audio for voice shortcuts. In both of these reports the column name has now changed to "Minutes of Dictation". (B-15593, 9/14/2020)
  • Add and Edit Theme - On the new Theme page you can now add a new theme and edit an existing theme. Theme configurations are applied to the SayIt voice client, SayIt Administrator console, and the Wireless Microphone mobile apps. Themes are not applied to nVoq.Voice, nVoq.Administrator, or nVoq.Mobile Voice. (B-15558, 9/17/2020)
  • Three- and Five-Year Subscription Plans Retired - Due to customer billing model changes, the 3-year and 5-year billing subscription plans are no longer needed and have been retired. Accounts on production systems with these plans have already been reconfigured with different plans, and the option to add these plans to accounts was also removed from tenants so new accounts could not be created with them. Accounts on the Test system have been automatically migrated to a 1-year plan. (Accounts on non-production systems are non-billable, regardless of plan.) (B-15682, 11/5/2020)
  • Word Finder Page Added - The Word Finder page has been added where you can locate the source of misspelled words that appear in a user's transcript. Word Finder searches organization and account vocabulary, sentence model documents, and substitutions, and performs a limited search of the user's group dictation topic. One thing that's different in nVoq.Administrator's Word Finder is that you can search for a multiple word term added to vocabulary by entering just part of the term. For example, if "Genral Hospital" was added as a vocabulary term and you were looking for "Genral" as a misspelling, you could just search for "genral" and still find the term. In SayIt Administrator's Word Finder you would need to type the entire term ("Genral Hospital") into the Search field to find it. (B-15732, 9/21/2020)
  • Active Account Summary Report - The Active Account Summary report has been added to the Reports page. This report, which shows the number of user accounts that attempted a dictation, a shortcut, or any type of activity for one or more organizations, includes the same information as the report with the same name in SayIt Administrator. (B-15696, 9/24/2020)
  • Caps Lock Warning on Sign In Screen Password - The Password field on the Sign In screen will now warn you when Caps Lock is on when you start typing in the password field. The warning goes away when Caps Lock is turned off if the cursor is still in the password field. If Caps Lock is turned off while the Password field does not have focus, the message will continue to display until you start typing in that field again. (B-15804, 9/25/2020) 
  • System-Generated Sentence Model Documents Now Include Company Name - System-generated sentence model documents created from corrected transcripts currently include the group name followed by the division name followed by the date range of the search for corrections (for example, Analysts.Joplin (Group)_ASL.Global.Management (Division)_2020-04-01_2020-05-13_0001.txt). The document now includes the company name too, so you can tell exactly which organizations the sentence model came from. (D-12158, 10/1/2020)
  • Account Enabled Report - The Account Enabled report, which can be used to find enabled and/or trial account status configured within a specified date range, has been added to nVoq.Administrator. This report has the same functionality as the report in SayIt Administrator with a couple of differences: the Enabled column has been removed because the report only lists accounts that were enabled during the selected date range, and a Client Group column has been added so you can see where in the organization the account is located. (B-15768, 10/7/2020)
  • New Options on Date Range Picker - The date range picker, which is available on the Review & Correct page and all reports, now has more date range options to choose from on the left side of the calendar. This allows you to quickly select a date range, like "Last 30 Days", without having to manually select those dates as a custom range. New options include: This Week, Last Week, Last 30 Days, This Month, and Last Month. Selected date ranges are retained on each page from your previous Administrator session. (B-15841, 10/15/2020)
  • Refresh Icon Indicates Data is Stale - When a change to a filter on the Review & Correct list view or a report is detected the refresh icon will have a red dot next to it indicating that the page information is stale and needs to be refreshed. Each change to a filter causes the icon to pulsate once with a red dot. Click on the refresh icon to update the list of items on the page. A retrieval of items within the selected filters starts when the icon is clicked. (B-15691, 10/19/2020)
  • Improved Speed When Working with Accounts, Organizations - Work was done to improve the speed of dealing with shortcuts when creating, listing, modifying, and deleting accounts, organizations, and shortcuts in nVoq.Administrator. (B-15154, 10/19/2020)
  • Faster Account Updates - Account updates, like updating vocabulary or sentence modeling or switching a user to a different organization, are now asynchronous with profile updates. When you make changes to accounts, the save success message will appear immediately. The job that updates the profile still starts when the changes are saved, but the user can continue to dictate while the job is running. Changes like new vocabulary or sentence modeling will be assigned to the account automatically the next time the user attempts a dictation after the profile job has completed; the user does not need to log out of SayIt. If a user has different dictation topic as a result of a new group organization, the user will need to log out and back in to SayIt to use the new topic (once the profile job has completed).  (B-15827, 10/26/2020)
  • Look for Words in Dictation Transcripts - The Look for Word feature on the Review & Correct page allows you to search transcripts for words or phrases that were returned to users in dictations. Only dictation transcripts are searched (not shortcuts or any other type of transaction), and only the "original" transcript is searched (not the substitution transcript). One way to use this feature is to look for words or phrases that might be returning incorrectly for users. (B-14556, 11/23/2020)

Bug Fixes in nVoq.Administrator

  • Fix for Confusing Message When Account Locked Out While Logged In - When you have too many unsuccessful attempts to log in to SayIt Administrator and lock the account while actively logged in to nVoq.Administrator with the same account, nVoq.Administrator would show a red notification message saying, "Oops. Could not retrieve default organization information." This message was confusing, as it did not explain the problem. In 16.0 nVoq.Administrator will instead show the sign in screen the next time you try to perform an action and, upon attempt to log back in, you will see the account locked out message. (D-11738, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for Item Count Shows Zero Items While Item List Still Loading - In the previous release, when items on a page take several seconds to load, the item count in the top-left of the gray area below the blue toolbar would show "0 items". This was confusing because there actually were so many items that the page was taking longer than usual to load. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now the item count does not display until after the full page loads, and reflects the correct number of items in the list. (D-11977, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for Detail Review & Correct Next and Previous Buttons Not Honoring Sort Order - By default, the Next and Previous buttons on the Detail Review & Correct page operate on the events in the list in the order of submit time from newest to oldest and do not honor a custom sort order. This has been fixed in 16.0. The Next and Previous buttons will now honor the sorted order of data that you are viewing on the list view. (D-11697, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for Duplicate Organization Level Displaying on Clone Organization Page - The Clone Organization page would display the level of the organization being cloned in parenthesis next to the organization name. Since many administrators already name their organization with the level included in the name (and we actually recommend doing this in the online partner training), this would display on the page as, "[Organization Name] (division) (division)", which could be confusing. This has been fixed in 16.0. We are no longer displaying this extra identifier the Clone Organization page. (D-11956, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for F5 Browser Refresh Clears Selected Account - On the Sentence Models, Vocabulary, Shortcuts, and Substitutions pages, if you select an account from the Account drop-down menu and then press the F5 key on your keyboard (or refresh your browser screen in some other way), the account selected in the list would be deselected and the list would go back to showing All Accounts. This has been fixed on the previously mentioned pages. Note however that on the Review & Correct page and Account Monitor Shortcuts Report the list is still cleared. You must use the refresh icon in the blue toolbar to refresh the list view on these pages. (D-11900, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for Confusing Error Message When Saving Account While Billing System is Down - When attempting to create a new account or make changes to an existing account when the connection to our third-party billing system was unavailable, administrators would receive an error message that stated, "Uh-oh. Could not save [username]. <html><head><title>Error report</title></head><body><h 1>HTTP Status 500..." which was confusing and poorly formatted. This has been fixed in 16.0. The new error message states, "Oh no. Could not save [username]. Please try again. If error persists, please call your support team." (D-12019, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for Tenant Administrators Progress Indicator Continuously Spins When Trying to Delete Own Accounts - In the current release, if an administrator tries to delete their own account, the progress indicator continuously spins and the API for the delete function on the back end returns a "403 - Forbidden" error. This has been fixed. Now administrators can delete their own accounts, after which they are returned to the sign in screen where they will receive the "Invalid username and/or password" error message when attempting to log in. (D-11760, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for Adding External ID Changes Item Status to Corrected - On the Review & Correct page, if you add an external identifier to a dictation or shortcut item in the Detail view, the "corrected" status and icon (checkmark) appears. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now the status only displays "Corrected" if item has been corrected. (D-11630, 8/27/2020)
  • Fix for Attempt to Upload Duplicate Vocabulary Causes All Terms to Not Be Added - In the previous releases, if you tried to upload a vocabulary file that included a term that already existed in the account or organization to which you were attempting to upload, none of the terms in the vocabulary file would be added. Not only was this different from the way SayIt Administrator worked, this was also inconsistent with other upload processes in nVoq.Administrator in which the system will just skip the duplicate but add the rest of the items. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now if your vocabulary upload file includes terms that already exist in the account or organization to which you are uploading, you will see a message that those terms are duplicates and will be skipped, but you can continue to upload the file to add the rest of the terms in the file. (D-11895, 8/31/2020)
  • Timestamp Removed from Auto-Renew Date - On the Edit Account page, accounts with a yearly subscription (1, 3 , or 5 year) lists the date that the subscription will automatically renew beside it. In the previous release this date also included a midnight timestamp (00:00:00 MST) after the date. This timestamp has been removed in 16.0. (D-11774, 8/31/2020)
  • Fix for Character Limit of Shortcut Written Form, Add Shortcut Page Freezing - When attempting to create shortcuts with over 100,000 characters, the Written Form field would be outlined in red (indicating that the character limit had been exceeded) and the page would become unresponsive, especially when the Written Field text was all added at once. This has been fixed. The character limit for the Written Form of shortcuts in nVoq.Administrator has been increased to 900,000, matching SayIt Administrator and the documented character limit. Additionally, spell check was turned off, which was causing the page to become unresponsive when so many words were added all at once. (D-12105, 8/31/2020)
  • Fix for Higher Org Level Admin Role Authenticates with Lower Org Level API Key - In the previous release, administrators with a Customer Administrator role at a higher organization level could authenticate to the Transactions API using an API key created for lower level organization level if the account at one time had client access in that lower organization level. Also, an administrator with an Admin Role in one group could authenticate to the Transactions API using an API key created for another group if the administrator had client access in the other group. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now an administrators will get a 401 (Unauthorized) error if they try to authenticate to the Transactions API using API keys for lower level organizations to which they do not have admin access. (D-11073, 9/1/2020)
  • Fix for Review & Correct Page Search Does Not Clear -  The Search field on the Review and Correct page does not clear out when you click the X button to the right of it if you had clicked the Enter key after you typed in the search parameter. The work-around was to manually delete the search term, or to not click the Enter key after typing in the search query, which would allow the X button to work correctly. This has been fixed in 16.0 and the X button will now work whether you press Enter or not. (D-12194, 9/15/2020)
  • Fix for Error When Logging in With Different Account After Session Timeout - Attempting to log in with a different account after a session timeout could produce an error message stating that the system "could not retrieve default organization information". This was occurring because the system was trying to restore the page/data for the previous session, which did not match the new login information. In 16.0 when a different username is used to sign in to nVoq.Administrator after a session timeout, the "new" account will be taken to the home page instead of the page the previous account was viewing. This gives consistency in the landing page between accounts, and also guarantees all needed information is available for the newly logged in user. (D-11997, 9/17/2020)
  • Fix for Spaces Before First/Last Name Makes Sort Appear Incorrectly - A space can be included before first and last names for accounts on the Add/Edit Account page which causes a problem when sorting on those fields. Names with leading spaces always show up first alphabetically, making it appear that the data is sorted incorrectly. In the 16.0 release, leading spaces will be trimmed automatically from the first and last name fields on the Add/Edit Account page, so that sorting works correctly. Trailing spaces will also be removed from these fields. (D-12039, 9/24/2020)
  • Fix for Accuracy Percentage Not Appearing for Popup and Sub Shortcuts - Even though it does not actually improve anything, you can correct the text for popup shortcuts and sub shortcuts on the Review & Correct page in nVoq.Administrator. In 15.2, the accuracy percentage of corrected popup shortcuts and sub shortcuts (which will always be 100% because there is no audio recording) do not display on the Detail screen for those items. In 16.0, the accuracy percentage for these items will now display on the item Detail screen for corrected popup and sub-shortcut events. Keep in mind that there is absolutely no reason to correct voice shortcut, popup shortcut, or sub shortcut items on the Review & Correct page. (D-12025, 9/24/2020)
  • Fix for Users Seeing Notifications for Other Accounts - In the 15.2 release, when two or more users sign in to nVoq.Administrator on the same computer they can see each other's notifications (under the bell icon) from a previous sessions. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now when a user signs into nVoq.Administrator on the same computer as another user, all notifications from previous users are cleared out. (D-12186, 9/24/2020)
  • Fix for Username Cut Off on Account Menu - When the account holder's name and/or username are long, the username can be cut off on the Account drop-down menu on the Review & Correct, Sentence Models, Shortcuts, Substitutions, Vocabulary, and Word Finder pages. This can especially be frustrating if there are two accounts with the same first and last name and you need to see the username to distinguish the two. In 16.0 you can hover your mouse over a name in the list to see the username in a tooltip. (D-11901, 9/25/2020)
  • Fix for User with No Admin Role Unable to Search for Shortcuts - In the current release, client-only users (with an Admin Role of "None") are unable to use the Search field to find a shortcut. The search does not work, and no error message is presented. This has been fixed in 16.0. (D-12136, 9/25/2020)
  • Fix for Ability to Select Organizations Other than Group on Create Sentence Models from Corrected Text Page - On the Create Sentence Models from Corrected Text page, system-generated sentence models from corrected user transcripts can be applied to all users in an entire organization. A drop-down menu on the page labeled "Group" is where you select the group that includes the users from whom you want to collect the system-generated sentence models. However, in the previous release, this menu allowed administrators to select any organization level, not just a group. When any organization other than a group was selected on the menu, the admin console would present an error message that said, "[organization] does not correspond with a group organization." The error message itself was confusing because instead of listing the name of the organization selected, it would show the organization's ID. This issue has been fixed in 16.0. Now you can once again only select a group from the Group menu on the Create Sentence Models from Corrected Text page.  (D-12157, 9/28/2020)
  • Fix for Visible State of Alternative Shortcut Names Not Saved & Fix for Alternative Names Duplicated When Editing the Shortcut - When creating a new organization shortcut, the visibility setting of an Alternative Name is not being saved. So even if the Visible box is unchecked next to the Alternative Name, the alternative name still appears in the shortcut list. If you go back to edit the shortcut, the Visible box is checked. Additionally upon editing the shortcut, if you then uncheck the Visible box and save the shortcut, the alternative name still appears in the shortcut list. Upon editing the shortcut again you can see a duplicate of the alternative name with the Visible box checked, and the original alternative name has the box unchecked. Both the issue of the visible state of shortcuts not being saved for new shortcuts and the issue of organization shortcut alternative names being duplicated when the shortcut was edited have been fixed in 16.0. (D-12142, 9/30/2020)
  • Fix for Inability to Restore Account Properties with Slash in Name - If you create an account property with a forward slash (/) or a back slash (\) in the name of the property, the account property cannot be restored in nVoq.Administrator. Upon attempt to restore these account properties, an administrator produces an error message something like:  Could not save ticket_977.[object Object]. The work-around is to restore the account property in SayIt Administrator, or to remove the slash from the name of the account property. This has been fixed in nVoq.Administrator in 16.0. (D-12211, 9/30/2020)
  • Fix for Pages Not Loading When Manually Adjusting URL - If you remove information from the nVoq.Administrator URL up to the /admin part (so all you have left is, for example, https://healthcare.nvoq.com/admin) the page does not reload when you click Enter. You must close the browser tap and reopen a new one to access the console again. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now once you're signed in you can type or paste the page URL for any of the administrator pages and hit the Enter key to navigate to that particular page. (D-12195, 10/1/2020)
  • Fix for Space Between Letters and Numbers in Usernames in Notifications - Notifications in nVoq.Administrator (green, yellow, and red popup messages that display in a list under the bell icon in the upper-right corner of the console) often display account usernames in messages. When a username contains a letter and a number, such as BA72019, the notification message includes a space in the username between them (such as BA 72019). This has been fixed in 16.0. Messages and notifications will no longer add a space between letters and numbers. (D-12146, 10/1/2020)
  • Fix for No History for Shortcuts with Long Descriptions - When a shortcut Description field has over 255 characters in it, no entry is created in the History tab for shortcut changes. Any changes made to the shortcut while it has a description that includes 256 or more characters in it does not appear in the History. This has been fixed in 16.0. (D-12147, 10/1/2020)
  • Fix for Report Data Not Updating After Changing Organization on Another Page - Generally report data will automatically refresh when a different organization is selected in the organization menu at the top-left of the nVoq.Administrator page. However an issue was discovered in which report data does not automatically refresh when an administrator (after viewing a report) navigates to another page, changes the organization there, and then returns to the report. The report would still be showing the data for the previous organization. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now when you navigate back to the report, all of the filters and date range will remain, but the report will automatically update to show data for the newly selected organization. (D-12126, 10/7/2020)
  • Fix for Keyword Audio Length Not Shown in Review & Correct - Keyword utterances that start or stop a hands-free dictation (like "Start dictation" or "Stop dictation"), which are identified by item IDs starting with the letter K on the Review & Correct page, would always be listed with zero audio length because this data was not being correctly saved to the database. This has been fixed. Audio length data for these items is now saved correctly in the database and will display actual audio length for the recordings in Review & Correct list view and Detail Review & Correct pages. (D-12155, 10/8/2020) 
  • Fix for Change Enabled Not Working from Actions Menu for Account Substitutions - If you change the enabled status from the actions menu on the list view for an account substitution, the status will appear to change (showing the changed status in the Enabled column), but once you refresh the page the Enabled column again shows the previous status indicating that the change was not saved. (This does not occur for organization substitutions, only account substitutions.) The work-around is to change the enabled status of account substitutions on the Edit Substitution page. This has been fixed in 16.0 and you will once again be able to change the enabled status for account substitutions directly from the actions menu. (D-12239, 10/8/2020)
  • Improved Account Deletion Speed - Work was done in nVoq.Administrator to improve the speed of deleting accounts when multiple accounts (around 50 or more) are deleted at once. While the deletion process is occurring, the page will still show the flashing gray bars in place of page column information, which is the indication that the system is processing your request. Additional work is being done to help improve this process in another work item. (D-12104, 10/14/2020; B-15154, 10/19/2020)
  • Fix for HTML Shortcuts Do Not Auto-Scroll in Add/Edit View - When creating or editing an HTML shortcut in which the shortcut is long enough to require a scroll bar, the page does not automatically scroll. This means you cannot drag a new element to the bottom of the shortcut. As a work-around you can drop the element somewhere higher in the shortcut, manually scroll down the page, and then grab the element again to place it in the correct position. This has been fixed in 16.0. The page will now automatically scroll so that you can place a new element where it needs to go. (D-12205, 10/19/2020)
  • Fix for Subscription Management Report Showing Renewal Date for Enterprise Accounts - The Subscription Management Detail report lists a value in the Renewal Date column for accounts that were previously configured with a yearly subscription plan (1, 3, or 5 year) but were switched to an Enterprise plan. Accounts with Enterprise subscription plans do not have renewal dates, and the column listed the renewal date that corresponded to the previously configured yearly plan. This has been fixed. In 16.0, these accounts will have no value listed in the Renewal Date column on the report. (D-12132, 10/26/2020)
  • Fix for Deleted and Inactive Data Not Appearing in Total Usage Reports - If the "Show Deleted" and "Show Inactive" checkboxes are checked on the Total Usage report, the report should include data for inactive and deleted organizations in the report. In 15.2 however, neither the Total Usage Summary report nor the Total Usage Detail report is including data for these organizations. This has been fixed in 16.0. (D-12185, 10/27/2020)
  • Fix for Some Reports Not Indicating Default Sort Column - The Organization Monitor Shortcuts, Account Monitor Shortcuts, and Total Usage Summary reports were missing the arrow (upward-pointing arrow beside the column name) that indicates the column on which the report was sorted by default. This has been fixed. The Organization Monitor Shortcuts and Account Monitor Shortcuts reports now show Name as the default sort column. The Total Usage Summary report shows the Organization is the default sort column. (D-12184, 11/3/2020)
  • Fix for Enabled Through Date Displaying in Subscription Management Report After Being Removed from Account - Enabled Through Dates are displayed in the Subscription Management Detail report even after they are cleared from user accounts. A change has been made to keep this from happening. Now, if an Enabled Through date is cleared by an administrator on the Edit Account page it will not show up on the Subscription Management report unless you run the report with start/end dates that include dates when the Enabled Through date was active. (D-12210, 11/3/2020) 
  • Fix for Billing Subscriptions Cancelled One Month Later in Billing System - The cancellation date on an account billing subscription should be the Enabled Though date, but instead is set to one month from that date in the billing system. This issue impacts users on a monthly or yearly plan, and was being managed manually by nVoq. This has been fixed. In 16.0, cancelled subscriptions go into effect on the correct date in the billing system. (D-12206, 11/3/2020)
  • Fix for Account Tracking Summary Report Missing Organizations - The Account Tracking Summary report in nVoq.Administrator was not including organizations in the report that included only non-billable users. This was different from the Account Tracking report in SayIt Administrator, which does show those organizations. The Account Tracking report in nVoq.Administrator was updated to include organizations that include only non-billable accounts, whether they are non-billable because they are in a trial period, have the Non-Billable toggle enabled, or because they are disabled. Statistics for non-billable users are still not included in this report in nVoq.Administrator (which is different from SayIt Administrator), so organizations that include only non-billable users will be listed with zero accounts. (D-12173, 11/19/2020)
  • Fix for Misspelling in HTML Shortcut Date Component - When editing a Date component in an HTML shortcut, the Separator field was misspelled "Seperator" instead of "Separator".  This has been fixed in 16.0. (D-12303, 12/2/2020)
  • Fix for Admin User with Previous Client Access Still Appears in Group Account List - If an administrator is given client access and then that client access is later revoked, the administrator still shows up in the account list for the group due to a user billing role maintained for reporting purposes. A lower-level administrator could click Edit Account and view the account, but nothing would happen (they would not be able to see any account properties). In 16.0, administrators with previous client access no longer appear in the group account list, unless that is their admin organization. (D-12198, 12/10/2020)
  • Fix for Unhelpful Error Message and Save Dialogue Appearing Simultaneously with Attempt to Save Duplication Folder Name - When attempting to create a folder with a duplicate name as one of the folders in a child or parent organization, nVoq.Administrator would present a red error message that just said, "Darn, could not create folder.", but it didn't tell you why. At the same time, the "Save changes?" message (with options to continue editing, discard changes, or save) would also appear, which was confusing. This has been fixed. In 16.0, if you try to create a new folder with same name as an exiting folder at a higher or lower organization level, the following error message is displayed in the notification area: "Oops. Could not create folder. Organization folder not unique", and the "Save Changes?" box no longer appears. (If you try to create a new folder with same name as another existing folder at the same organization level, the Save button is disabled.) (D-12231, 12/10/2020)
  • Fix for Shortcut Folder Showing Invalid Actions - An administrator may see options on the actions menu that are not appropriate for their Admin Level for a shortcut folder at a higher organization level. For example, the administrator may see options to "View Shortcut", "Copy", or "Change Enabled", which are not valid actions for a folder. Selecting these invalid options does nothing. This has been fixed. In 16.0 the only option an administrator with a lower Admin Level will see for higher level folders is "View Folder". (D-12191, 12/14/2020)
  • Fix for Issue on Shortcuts Page with HTML Shortcut "Action Button" / "Output Text" Editing - In the Action Button edit window, if you select the "Button Runs Shortcut" radio button and select a shortcut and then change your mind and select the "Button Outputs Text" option instead, the name of the shortcut that you originally selected will be in the Output Text field. A similar thing happens in the Output Text edit window: when you select "Text", the Output Text field includes the word "return" in it because the "carriage return" radio button was originally selected by default. Moreover, the Output Text area in both windows would only allow one line of text to be visible and there was no way to see multiple lines of text that might be copied and pasted into that field. These issues have been fixed in 16.0. The text in the Output Text field is now cleared in both the Action Button window and the Output Text window when changing between radio button options. Additionally the Output Text area in both windows is now multi-line, so when multiple lines of text are pasted into the field, three lines of text are visible. If more than three lines of text are entered, a vertical scroll bar appears so you can scroll to view all of the text. (D-12304, 12/14/2020)
  • Fix for Plus Symbol Replaced by Space in Corrected Text - On the Review & Correct page, the plus symbol (+) is being replaced by a space character ( ) in the corrected text when a corrected transcript is saved. This has been fixed in 16.0. Other symbols were tested and are also preserved in corrected text. (D-12292, 12/14/2020)
  • Fix for Change of Enterprise Account Info Not Updated in Billing System - In an effort to track down billing issues occurring in production systems it was discovered that changing user account information (such as username, first name, last name, or email address) on the Accounts page in nVoq.Administrator or SayIt Administrator does not update the information in our third-party billing system for accounts with an Enterprise plan. This has been fixed in 16.0. Any changes in either nVoq.Administrator or SayIt Administrator to an Enterprise account username, first name, last name, or email will also be updated in the billing system going forward. (D-12315, 12/14/2020)
  • Fix for Upload of Large Number of Accounts Fails at Session Timeout - If you try to upload a comma-separated values (CSV) file that includes a large number of accounts (around 1,000), the upload will fail when the browser session times out and only around 80 accounts are created (depending on session timeout length). This has been improved in 16.0. Though the process for adding 1,000 accounts may take around three hours to complete, the browser session will never time out during account upload allowing all accounts to be created successfully. You can still navigate to other pages in nVoq.Administrator, and if you go back to the Accounts page, you no longer see the spinner indicating work being done. You will see the accounts in the list that have been added so far. However, if you sign out, close the browser window, refresh the page, or otherwise end your browser session, the job will be aborted. Work is being done to improve this process. In the meantime it is recommended to upload fewer accounts at a time. (D-12317, 12/16/2020)
  • Fix for Review & Correct Page Does Not Load Transactions After Changing Organization - On the Review & Correct page, if you select an account from the Account menu and view transactions for that person and then change the Organization menu to one that does not include the account selected, the system gets stuck trying to retrieve transactions for an account that is not in the selected organization. This has been fixed in 16.0. Now the Account drop-down menu will automatically switch to "All" when the organization is changed. (D-12321, 12/22/2020)
  • Fix for Dates One Day Off on Edit Account Page & Subscription Management Detail Report  - When the time zone set on an administrator's computer and in nVoq.Administrator were set to something other than Mountain time, the Enabled Through date and the Trial Expires date on the Edit Account page would not match (if they were configured to be the same). The Enabled Through date would be one day off. This issue also affected dates on the Subscription Management Detail report, including the Billable Forecast. This is only a display issue and does not impact billing. In 16.0, dates on the Edit Account page and the Subscription Management Detail report correctly correspond to the time zone set in nVoq.Administrator. (D-12352, 1/6/2020; D-12362, 1/8/2021)

Features in SayIt Administrator that are NOT in nVoq.Administrator

  • System Health Report - The System Health report will not be included in nVoq.Administrator, however the information from that report that was used for troubleshooting will now be available on the Review & Correct page Detail screen for dictations. See "System Health Report Data Added to Review & Correct Page for Dictations" under New Features & Improvements in nVoq.Administrator (above).
  • Account Monitor Report - By adding the Last Sign In column to the Active Accounts report, this report combines data from from the Account Monitor report in SayIt Administrator, so there will not be a separate Account Monitor report in nVoq.Administrator. (B-15697, 9/9/2020)


Shortcut Designer

New Features & Improvements in Shortcut Designer

  • Shortcut Designer to be Retired in 16.0. 

Bug Fixes in Shortcut Designer

  • N/A

Features Removed from Shortcut Designer

  • N/A




Changes in Supported Recording Devices

  • Newer Headsets Added to Recommended List - The older Plantronics headsets that were listed in the in the microphone guide on the Recommended Microphones list have been replaced with eight newer models from Poly (formerly Plantronics), two of which will be tested and supported by nVoq going forward. Additionally, a headset by Logitech has also been added to the list, though it is also not going to be officially supported by nVoq. It was found in our testing that both brands functioned equally well for accuracy, with the Poly headsets being more comfortable overall.





  • New Query Parameter Added to Retrieve Transaction APIs - As part of our work on nVoq.Administrator, a new parameter called systemDetail was added to the Retrieve transactions and Retrieve a single transaction APIs. It is set to false by default, but when set to true, the transaction requests return dictation server timeline events. (B-15447, 8/31/2020)
  • New Delete a Theme API - As part of our work on the Theme page in nVoq.Administrator, a new API was created for deleting a theme.  (B-15772, 9/10/2020)
  • New Create, Update, and Retrieve Logo Theme APIs - As part of our work on the Theme page in nVoq.Administrator, new APIs have been added for creating a new theme, and updating an existing theme, retrieving a 32 x 32 pixel logo associated with a theme, retrieving and resizing the logo associated with a theme to 16 x 16 pixels, and retrieving and resizing the logo associated with a theme to 48 x 48 pixels. (B-15558, 9/17/2020)
  • Search Query Parameter Added to Vocabulary, Substitution, and Sentence Model APIs - As part of our work on the Word Finder page in nVoq.Administrator, a searchText query parameter was added to the Retrieve account vocabulary, Retrieve organization vocabulary, Retrieve account substitutions, Retrieve organization substitutions, Retrieve account sentence models, and Retrieve organization sentence models APIs. This new parameter allows you to search within the selected resource for misspelled or unwanted words. (B-15732, 9/21/2020)
  • New Search Account Topic API - As part of our work on the Word Finder page in nVoq.Administrator, a new API has been created which allows you to search the user's group dictation topic for a misspelled or unwanted word.  (B-15732, 9/21/2020)
  • Information About Double Encoding Added to Account Property APIs - As part of our work in fixing an issue restoring account properties with a forward slash (/) or a backslash (\) in the name of the property in nVoq.Administrator, the Delete Account Property and the Delete User Property APIs have been updated. A note has been added to the propertyName description in the documentation letting you know that if your property name contains characters found in a URL, like a forward slash (/) or a back slash (\),  you will need to URI encode the property name twice to ensure correct processing. The double encoding is needed to first make sure the property name stays together, then the second encoding makes sure calling the web service does not try to decode it. (D-12211, 9/30/2020)
  • Creating an Admin Account with No/Invalid Admin Level Generates 500 Internal Server Error - Creating an admin account without a valid organization for administrator access using the Create an Account API would produce a 500 Internal Server Error. This has been fixed. Now when this happens, the API call returns the appropriate error: 400 Bad Request containing the message "adminRole set, but no adminLevel." (D-12130, 10/6/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountsPost
  • Fix for Inability to Favorite Shortcuts at Higher Organization Level -Users should be able to favorite any shortcut to which they have access, but an issue was discovered with the Retrieve a Shortcut by ID API in which they cannot favorite shortcuts at a higher organization level than their account. The system produces a 403 (Forbidden) error. This has been fixed in 16.0. (D-12213, 10/7/2020)
  • Fix for Retrieve Account Substitutions with Show Above Returns 500 Error - Running the GET /SCVmcServices/rest/accounts/{username}/substitutions?show=above API call for a user account that is a new admin-only user (with no client access) returns a 500 Internal Server Error. This only occurs with show=above, a 200 OK response is returned with show=below or no show value. Adding client access to the new admin account resolves this issue, even if the client access is immediately removed. This has been fixed. The GET /SCVmcServices/rest/accounts/{username}/substitutions?show=above API call now returns 200 OK. (D-12214, 10/8/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountSubstitutionsGet
  • Fix for Retrieve Account Substitutions API Not Honoring Disabled Status - The Retrieve account substitutions API is displaying substitutions as enabled even though they have been disabled in the administrator console. This has been fixed. The API is now showing the correct enabled state (true or false) and honors the "leafiest wins" rule, meaning that a lower-level substitution overrides a parent substitution. If both are enabled, the API only returns the child substitution. The API only returns enabled organization substitutions, but will return both enabled and disabled account substitutions. (D-12217 & D-12159, 10/12/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountSubstitutionsGet
  • Fix for Client-Only User Getting 500 Error When Fetching Own Transactions - Client-only users (with no admin role) would get a 500 error (Internal Server Error) when fetching their own transactions using the /SCVmcServices/rest/accounts/<username>/transactions API. This has been fixed. In 16.0, calling the transactions API authenticating with a client-only account returns a 200 response (OK) with a transaction object in payload. (D-12248, 10/21/2020)
  • Fix for Malformed or Missing STARTDICTATION Messages Causing Problems - Due to issues with missing or malformed WebSocket STARTDICTATION messages causing problems on the dictation server, checks were added so that the server will now close the socket immediately when the incoming JSON is missing one of the required fields. Minor modifications were made to the method:STARTDICTATION documentation under params for id (marking it as required, unless using Azure bearer token) and for snsContext (marking it as optional). (D-12129, 10/28/2020) 
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/dictation#operation/wsMessageStartDictation
  • Retrieve Account Properties LastLogin Parameter Changes - Using the Retrieve Account Properties endpoint with the lastLogin parameter set to "true" was found to cause an admin-only user to report as having logged into the SayIt client, even though they could not have done so because they don't have client access. To fix this issue, the Retrieve Account Properties endpoint was updated so that the lastLogin query parameter will only be updated if the value is set to true, the authenticated user is making the request for their own account, and the authenticated user has client access. (D-12168, 11/5/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountsPropertiesByUsernameGet
  • Easier to Add User Events - As part of our work on tracking event activity in nVoq applications, the Report nVoq Application Interaction API has been updated so that any event can be sent to the end point, making it easier to add new events that can be tracked. API documentation was updated to remove the listing of the only events that were allowed prior to this change. (Previously, the Organization Administration and Users event name had to be one of the following: login, login_failed_sayit, login_failed_sayitadmin, login_sayitadmin, login_sd, logout, logout_sayitadmin, logout_sd, no_input, no_match, quiet_audio, short_audio, zero_word, events_cleared. Prior to this change the System Administration user event name had to be one of the following:  login, login_failed_sayit, login_failed_sayitadmin, login_sayitadmin, login, logout_sayitadmin, logout, events_cleared, no_input, no_match, quiet_audio, short_audio, or zero_word)  (B-15901, 11/16/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/SaveUserEvent
  • New Look for Word Parameter in Retrieve Transactions API - As part of our work on the Look for Word feature on the Review & Correct page in nVoq.Administrator, a new query parameter, lookForWord, has been added to the Retrieve transactions API. Using this parameter you can search the originalText of a dictation transaction for a sequence of characters.
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/TransactionsGet
  • Maximum Results for Retrieve Transactions API - The Retrieve Transactions API now has a limit of 10,000 results that can be returned under the resultLimit query parameter. Attempting to set limit larger than that will return a 400 Bad Request.
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/TransactionsGet
  • Fix for Account Log API Calls Return 500 Error - The Upload an Account Log API and Update an Account Log API have been updated to return a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) error when no content-type header is provided, instead of a 500 (Internal Server Error). (D-12216, 12/10/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountLogsCreate
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountLogsUpdate
  • APIs Updated to Track Product Usage Data - The ability to pass across additional parameters to both the WebSocket and HTTP dictations has been added in order to see what products are being used for dictations. The STARTDICTATION method for WebSockets has a new map called additionalParams. The name/value pairs that are passed into this parameter will be added to the dictation information. For HTTP dictations, if clientVendor, clientProduct, and clientVersion are added to the form parameters, their values will be added to the dictation. The new parameters are retrieved via the Retrieve Transactions API or the Retrieve a Single Transaction API. The additional information shows up under additionalProperties for each transaction.  (B-15933, 12/10/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/dictation#operation/wsMessageStartDictation
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/TransactionsGet
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/TransactionsSingleGet
  • New API Endpoint for Getting Events & Accounts List Enhanced - The Retrieve Events for Own Account API has been added in order to see events from client applications. Not having this endpoint was an oversight; we should have had a GET all along because we had a POST.  We used the opportunity of adding this new endpoint to satisfy a requirement from our customers to be able to get firstLogin and lastLogin properties. Therefore a new query parameter, propertyNames, was added to the Retrieve a List of Accounts API to permit optional query of properties, like firstLogin. The lastLogin property was also added to the Retrieve a List of Accounts API, which will update each time a login event is added for a user. This enhancement allows users to grab key properties for analytics, such as: propertyNames=firstLogin, lastLogin, lastMicMixerName, JavaVersion, or OSName. (B-15878, 12/10/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/UserEventGet
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountsGet
  • Fix for Retrieve a List of Shortcuts displayUserCovered Parameter Not Working - The displayUserCovered parameter in the API call to Retrieve a List of Shortcuts does not work. Using the displayUserCovered=false parameter along with show=above should omit from the results any organization shortcuts with the same name as user shortcuts, but it doesn't. This has been fixed in 16.0. Setting the query parameters displayUserCovered=false with show=above now returns the account shortcut and does NOT include the organization shortcut with the same name. (Setting the query parameter displayUserCovered=true with show=above returns both account and organization shortcuts with the same name.) (D-12255, 12/15/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/ShortcutsGet
  • New EULA Property in Login Web Service - As part of our work on the end-user license agreement (EULA) updates for nVoq.Voice, the Login web service was updated with more information for the return of SCVmcServices/login?login-flags=true. The eulas property is new and includes a list of all the different license files that have been accepted. (B-15908, 12/22/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/Login
  • Clean Up of Create an Account API Documentation - The API documentation for the web service used to create an account has been updated to fix the parameters that had no explanation, and some that had the type listed incorrectly. A significant amount of information was added to this end point, and all of the parameter "types" are now accurate. Additionally the different parameters that we accept for these have also been included.  (D-12332, 12/22/2020)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#operation/AccountsPost
  • New Character Encoding Documentation - A new section has been added to the API documentation to explain that any string property being submitted to one of the web services should be encoded as UTF-8, unless otherwise noted. Information encoded in other formats, such as Windows-1252, can display strange characters in nVoq.Administrator. If you are submitting values that are derived from properties of the operating system, such as the name of a microphone which in Windows uses the Windows-1252 character set, these should be re-encoded as UTF-8. (D-12358, 3/1/2021)
  • https://test.nvoq.com/apidoc/administration#section/Character-encoding