Voice: Settings
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Voice: Settings

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Article summary

View or change settings and upload logs for nVoq Voice on the Settings window. 

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View Your Settings

Click the gear icon on the lower-left side of the dictation button to open the Settings window.


  • For information about each setting on this window, see About Each Setting.
  • The question mark icon near the upper-right of the Settings window takes you to the online documentation for Voice Settings page (that's this page).
  • Icons at the bottom of the Settings window navigate to other features and information about nVoq Voice:
    • settings-settings-icon-gearSettings - Clicking on this icon takes you back to the Settings information. When already open to Settings, the icon is purple. See About Each Setting for information on each setting.
    • settings-shortcuts-icon-starShortcuts - Clicking on this icon opens the Popup Shortcut menu on top of the Settings screen. See Use Shortcuts for more information.
    • settings-about-icon-exclaimationAbout - Clicking on this icon takes you to information about the version of Voice that is running, and terms of use. You can also install updates to Voice from this screen. If an update is available, this icon displays with an orange badge next to it. You can also get to the home page of the Voice documentation from this page. 
    • settings-training-icon-hatTraining - Clicking on this icon takes you to training information.
    • settings-feedback-icon-envelopeFeedback - Clicking on this icon opens a form from which you can send feedback to nVoq support. You must complete all fields on the form (email address, subject, message body, and your company) before you can click the Send button. After you click Send a green success notification message lets you know that your feedback was received and the form is cleared. To clear your message without sending, click the Clear button.
    • settings-signout-icon-powerSign Out - Clicking on this icon will log you out of Voice and open the Sign In window where you can manually enter credentials.


About Each Setting

Dictation Hotkey

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Dictation Hotkey to change your hotkey (or keys) that you tap on your keyboard to start and stop dictation recordings. You may need to do this if the default hotkey (F2) conflicts with another program on your computer. To change the setting put your cursor into the Dictation Hotkey field and then just press the key (or combination of keys) on your keyboard that you want to tap to record dictation. The application will automatically display the key or key combination in the field. Use a hotkey that is not already assigned to another feature. If you attempt to assign a hotkey for dictation that is already assigned to Popup Shortcuts or (if applicable) Note Assist, you will see a message that states, "Hotkeys must be unique." After you enter a unique hotkey in this field, once you move your cursor off of that field you will see a green message appear for a few seconds stating, "Successfully saved Dictation Hotkey." The setting is then saved to your account properties under "Record Hotkey" and (if multiple keys were used) "PTT Hot Key Modifiers". 

Good Choices for Hotkey:

  • function keys (like F6)
  • combination of two keys, one of which is a modifier key like Ctrl, Alt, or Shift (for example, the Alt key with the A key)
  • standard keys you do not use (like ^)

Poor Choices for Hotkey:

  • standard keys (like a-z or 1-9)
  • combinations of keys that are hard to type (like the a key with the F6 key with the 9 key)

Note Assist Hotkey

This feature is only available if Note Assist was enabled for your account in nVoq Administrator.

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Note Assist Hotkey to setting to change the hotkey (or keys) that you tap on your keyboard to open the Note Assist window. By default the Note Assist hotkey is BACK_QUOTE. To change the hotkey, put your cursor into the Note Assist Hotkey field and then press the key or combination of keys on your keyboard that you want to tap to open the Note Assist window. The application will automatically display the key or key combination in the field. Use a hotkey that is not already assigned to another feature. If you attempt to assign a hotkey to Note Assist that is already assigned to Dictation or Popup Shortcuts, you will see a message that states, "Hotkeys must be unique." After you enter a unique hotkey in this field, when you click your cursor on another area of the Setting window you will see a green message appear for a few seconds stating, "Successfully saved Note Assist Hotkey." The setting is then saved to your account properties under Note Assist Shortcut Hot Key and (if multiple keys were used) Note Assist Shortcut Hot Key Modifiers. 

Good Choices for Hotkey:

  • function keys (like F6)
  • combination of two keys, one of which is a modifier key like Ctrl, Alt, or Shift (for example, the Alt key with the A key)
  • standard keys you do not use (like ^)

Poor Choices for Hotkey:

  • standard keys (like a-z or 1-9)
  • combinations of keys that are hard to type (like the a key with the F6 key with the 9 key)

Popup Shortcut Hotkey

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Popup Shortcut Hotkey to change the hotkey (or keys) that you tap on your keyboard to open the popup shortcut menu. You may need to do this if the default hotkey (F4) conflicts with another program on your computer. To change the setting put your cursor into the Popup Shortcut Hotkey field and then just press the key (or combination of keys) on your keyboard that you want to tap to open the shortcut menu. The application will automatically display the key or key combination in the field. Use a hotkey that is not already assigned to another feature. If you attempt to assign a hotkey to Popup Shortcuts that is already assigned to Dictation or (if applicable) Note Assist, you will see a message that states, "Hotkeys must be unique." After you enter a unique hotkey in this field, once you move your cursor off of that field you will see a green message appear for a few seconds stating, "Successfully saved Popup Shortcut Hotkey." The setting is then saved to your account properties under Voiceless Shortcut Hotkey and (if multiple keys were used) Voiceless Shortcut Hot Key Modifiers. 

Good Choices for Hotkey:

  • function keys (like F6)
  • combination of two keys, one of which is a modifier key like Ctrl, Alt, or Shift (for example, the Alt key with the A key)
  • standard keys you do not use (like ^)

Poor Choices for Hotkey:

  • standard keys (like a-z or 1-9)
  • combinations of keys that are hard to type (like the a key with the F6 key with the 9 key)

Auto Sign In

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Auto Sign In to change this setting. When enabled (orange), this setting will automatically sign in to Voice on startup using the last system and user account information entered (whether it was an nVoq account, a Microsoft Azure Active Directory account, or an Okta account). The setting is enabled by default for new users, though they must sign in at least once using a password to initiate it. This setting is saved to your account properties under Auto Sign In. 

  • While this setting is enabled Voice will automatically sign in with the same account (Okta, Microsoft, or nVoq), the same system (e.g. Healthcare or Canada), and the same user credentials whenever it is launched. If Launch on startup is also enabled, Voice will launch and authenticate automatically when your system starts up. 
  • If Auto Sign In is disabled Voice will start up on the initial Sign In screen where you can select how you want to sign in (e.g. Okta, Microsoft, or nVoq) each time you restart it.
If you need to log in to a different account, system, or with different credentials but still want to use Auto Sign In, use Sign Out.

Launch On Startup

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Launch On Startup to change this setting. When enabled (orange), this setting will automatically launch Voice on Windows startup. The setting is enabled by default. This setting is saved to your account properties under Launch on Startup.

Speech Bubble

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Speech Bubble to change this setting. When enabled (orange), this setting opens a speech bubble above the dictation button while you are recording a dictation that displays your transcript as you speak. The setting is enabled by default. When disabled, no speech bubble is displayed while dictation is recorded, and your dictated transcript appears only in the application where your cursor is located when you stop recording your dictation.


Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Microphone to see what sound input device Voice is using. Voice automatically uses the microphone that is set as your computer's default microphone for dictation, and this is displayed as "Default - Microphone (microphone name)" on the Microphone menu. For example, if your computer's default microphone is a Plantronics Blackwire C210, the Microphone menu will say "Default - Microphone (Plantronics Blackwire C210)". The microphone used for each dictation in Voice is listed in nVoq Administrator on the Detail Review & Correct page Timeline for dictation events. Microphone information is also saved to your account properties under Last Mic Mixer Name. Voice performs automatic gain control (AGC) to cope with your voice being louder or softer in attempt to maintain consistent recording volume.  

  • If the computer's built-in microphone or an "array" microphone is configured, a warning message will appear at the top of the Settings screen letting you know that using the selected microphone could affect the quality of your dictation recording and impact the accuracy of your transcript. The message includes a link to microphones that are recommended by nVoq for dictation.
  • If Voice was unable to find any microphone on your computer, the Microphone drop-down menu on the Settings screen will say "No Microphone." If this happens, the dictation button will be gray and you will be unable to use that button for dictation. 
  • You can still use the nVoq Wireless Microphone for dictation even if there is no microphone selected here. See Wireless Microphone.

The Microphone drop-down menu options automatically update when a microphone is connected to or disconnected from your computer via microphone input jack or Bluetooth. You can immediately select a newly added microphone to use for dictation.

  • If "Default" is selected on this menu, a new microphone connected to your computer is automatically recognized by Voice and used for dictation (as long as it is the computer's default microphone). If you disconnect the microphone from your computer, Voice will automatically start using the microphone that was previously the default microphone. If there is no microphone connected to or enabled on your computer at all, the menu will say "No microphone". When a microphone is enabled on your computer, Voice will automatically use it as the default microphone.
  • You can select a different microphone from the menu to be your preferred microphone to use with Voice if you have more than one configured on your computer. The change takes effect immediately and the preferred microphone will remain your Voice microphone as long as it is connected to and enabled on your computer. If the preferred microphone is not found by Voice, the default microphone will be used instead.
Hand-held USB microphones are not yet supported on Voice by nVoq, but they may work. 
Voice is not configured to use buttons on Philips or Nuance microphones, but you can configure the buttons on Philips microphones to work with Voice using Philips SpeechControl Device & Application Software (formerly known as Philips Device Control Center).

Note Assist Delay (ms)

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Note Assist Delay to change this setting. The Note Assist Delay setting, set to 30 milliseconds by default (which is .03 seconds), postpones the actions between capturing text and pasting it into the Note Assist window, and between refocusing back on your EMR or system of record and pasting the updated text from Note Assist back into it. This setting could be especially helpful to users who are running Voice and Note Assist in a virtual desktop environment, such as Citrix. If your note does not open in the Note Assist window, or if Note Assist does not paste your completed note back into your application, try increasing this number. You may need to try incremental changes in the number to get the setting just right.  

Paste Delay (ms)

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Paste Delay to change this setting. The Paste Delay setting, set to 30 milliseconds by default (which is .03 seconds), postpones the paste action of text into the destination application. This can be especially helpful when pasting text into a remote or virtual desktop application where Voice might respond too quickly for the text to be pasted in the correct location. Increase or decrease this number by either typing in a new number or using the up and down arrows that appear when you place your cursor on the field. Once you move your cursor off of that field you will see a green message appear for a few seconds stating, "Successfully saved setting." The setting is then saved to your account properties under Voice Paste Delay.


Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Topic to change the topic for your dictations. Once you change the topic you will see a green message appear stating, "Successfully saved Topic". 

  • Only topics available on your system (e.g. healthcare.nvoq.com or canada.nvoq.com) are listed in the menu.
  • The default topic will be the one that is configured for your group in the administrator console.
  • The topic selected on this menu appears in Account Properties under "Selected Topic".
  • Changing the dictation topic in Voice will also change the dictation topic in nVoq Mobile Voice. 
The iOS Wireless Microphone will only honor a topic change in Voice after sign out/sign back in if it is running dictation using WebSockets.
The iOS Wireless Microphone running HTTP dictation will honor a topic change immediately. 

Troubleshoot Mode

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Troubleshoot Mode to change this setting. This setting is off by default, but when enabled (orange) the logging level for the client is set to "DEBUG" (which is the highest logging level for Voice).

  • If you close Voice, log data is collected immediately on relaunch (as opposed to starting once you sign in in to the client). This allows the log files to include activity prior to being signed in.
  • This setting can also be enabled in the administrator console (on the Logging page) and when that happens, the toggle on the Settings screen in Voice will change to enabled (orange) the next time you close Voice and relaunch it.
  • If this feature is enabled in the administrator console, in addition to increasing the logging level, logs are also automatically uploaded to the administrator console when you log out or sign out of Voice.
  • You can manually send logs to the Administrator console anytime by clicking the Upload Logs button (also on the Settings window) or an administrator can also manually pull the log file from the Logging page in the administrator console.
  • Disabling Troubleshooting Mode in Voice does NOT disable logging that was enabled for the account in the administrator console.
  • When you enable Troubleshoot Mode from Voice the user account does NOT show that logging is enabled on the Logging page in nVoq Administrator, nor are logs automatically uploaded to the administrator console. In order to have logs automatically uploaded to the administrator console, logging must be enabled in the administrator console.
  • For more information about logging and logs collected in the administrator console, see Logging in the nVoq Administrator help. 

Wireless Microphone

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Wireless Microphone to change this setting. Off by default for new users, when this setting is enabled (orange) it allows you to dictate with the nVoq Wireless Microphone app (on Android or iOS). If this setting is disabled, the Wireless Microphone Computer listed below this toggle will not appear on the client list in the Wireless Microphone app. There is no setup needed in the administrator console in order to use the Wireless Microphone app with Voice. Just enable this toggle, optionally set the Wireless Microphone Computer name (below), and pair the computer with your Wireless Microphone app. See Dictation Screen Buttons - Linked To for iOS or Dictation Screen Buttons - Linked to for Android 

This field cannot be edited if the Wireless Microphone toggle above this field is disabled.
  • By default Voice dictations use WebSocket connections unless recorded using the Android Wireless Microphone, in which case they automatically use HTTP. The iOS Wireless Microphone uses WebSocket connections unless otherwise specified by API.
  • You can only dictate with the Wireless Mic apps in Voice. Shortcut functionality in the Wireless Microphone app does not work with Voice.

Wireless Microphone Computer

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Wireless Microphone Computer to change this name. This is the name of the computer that is running Voice. By default it will say the Device Name listed in your Windows Settings followed by -voice (e.g. GGLASS-voice). You can change the name of the computer by typing into the field. In the Wireless Microphone app on your Android or iOS device, tap the name of the computer entered here to connect to Voice on this computer. If you change the Wireless Microphone Computer name in Voice while you are already signed in to the Wireless Microphone on your Android or iOS device, you will need to re-link Voice on your mobile device to see the new computer name. Dictation will continue to work regardless. See Dictation Screen Buttons - Linked To for iOS or Dictation Screen Buttons - Linked to for Android 

This field cannot be edited if the Wireless Microphone toggle above this field is disabled.
To edit the Wireless Microphone Computer name, switch the Wireless Microphone toggle to enabled (orange) and type a different name in this field.

Upload Logs

Click the gear icon next to the dictation button to open the settings then go to Upload Logs if you have problems while using Voice. Click the Upload Logs button at the bottom of the Settings screen to send Voice client log files directly to the Logging page in the administrator console where they can be reviewed by your administrator and/or nVoq Support. The logs include diagnostic information for troubleshooting. (An administrator can also pull these logs from Voice on the Logging page in the administrator console. For more information about logging and logs collected in the administrator console, see Logging in the nVoq Administrator help.)

Move or Resize the Settings Window

  • You can move the Settings window by selecting the top part of the window with your mouse and dragging.
  • You can resize the Settings window by selecting an edge. When your mouse changes to a double-sided arrow, you can drag the edges of the window in the direction of the arrows.