19.0.0 Release Notes
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19.0.0 Release Notes

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19.0.0 nVoq Dictation, nVoq.Voice, nVoq.Administrator, & nVoq APIs Release
March 2024 - See Production Deployments for deployment dates.

For release notes for nVoq mobile apps, see:

nVoq Dictation

The updates in this section impact all dictation clients, including nVoq.Voice and nVoq.Mobile Voice, as well as ISV partner clients using nVoq dictation. 

  • MP4-ACC Audio Supported - The dictation server now works with audio files in the the MP4-ACC format. This allows dictations recorded via the Safari browser on a Mac or iOS device to be transcribed. (B-17331, 10/23/2023; 19.0.0 b16)
  • Fix for First Word in Transcript After Mid-Dictation Command Not Capitalized in Direct Text After Pause - When mid-dictation commands are removed from the transcript, the dictation server would not capitalize the next (non-command) first word of the transcript if the user paused after speaking the command. This was only happening with direct text and has been fixed in the 19.0.0 release.  (D-13352, 11/2/2023; 19.0.0 b25)
  • Fix for Mid-Dictation Commands Overlap Transcribed Text - In the current release it is possible for mid-dictation commands and transcribed text to get out of synch and overlap word markers, especially when dictating commands and text quickly. This has been fixed in the 19.0.0 release. (D-13419, 12/18/2023, 19.0.0 b56)
  • Refined Calculation of Concurrent Dictation Calls - The total number of calls to the dictation server a single user can make at one time has been recalculated. We still only allow a maximum of four dictations to be processed at one time, but this limit no longer includes profile management jobs (like adding vocabulary), as those jobs are handled by a different server. All HTTP dictation calls are handled as WebSocket. (B-17428, 12/28/2023, 19.0.0 b65)
  • Mid-Dictation Commands Take Precedence Over Substitutions - In previous releases substitutions were always processed at the end of a dictation. This would cause a mid-dictation command to fail if it included the same word that was also in a substitution. In the 19.0.0 release if there is a mid-dictation command that includes with the same word as a substitution, the command will override the substitution and a WebSocket warning message will be sent to let you know that the substitution was overwritten because a similar command was also sent in. (B-17478, 1/10/2024, 19.0.0 v75; D-13482, 3/4/2024, 19.0.0 b114)
  • Improvements to Profile Handling of Poor Audio - When poor audio is submitted in dictations a user may start to see their final transcript missing words, even though the correct words appeared in the hypothesis text. In these cases the user's profile is being corrupted as it tries to adapt to the poor audio. Our development team has made some changes in 19.0.0 to minimize the possibility that bad audio will corrupt the use's profile. (D-13331, 2/2/2024, 19.0.0 b91)
  • New Error for Incorrect Audio Format Submitted to Dictation Server - In the previous release if a dictation client sent an incorrect audio format to our dictation server there was no indication that the audio format was not recognized. In the 19.0.0 release the dictation server will now error out these dictations with the reason of UNEXPECTED_AUDIO_FORMAT. The error message will also include the audio formats that are supported. (B-17429, 2/15/2024, 19.0.0 b103)
  • Fix for HTTP (Batch) Dictations Not All Processed If Too Many In Queue - In the previous release audio files sent for batch processing via HTTP to our dictation server could fail to transcribe if the number of files being processed exceeded the number of concurrent operations allowed per user (currently four). In the 19.0.0 release the server will re-queue these files for processing so that they will eventually be transcribed, but may take longer to do so. (D-13446, 2/19/2024, 19.0.0 b102)
  • Additional Information in Audio Processing Error for Large Frame - Additional information has been added to the audio processing error when an audio file sent to our server includes a frame that is too large. The dictation server will continue to error out these dictations with the reason of AUDIO_PROCESSING_ERROR, but the error message will now include the information that the server was reading large block size that is not supported and that the audio steam might be corrupt. (D-13447, 2/22/2024, 19.0.0 b107)


  • New Warning If You Hold Down the Dictation Button - The proper way to record dictation with nVoq.Voice is to press and release the dictation button or hotkey to start recording, and then press and release the button again to stop recording. In previous releases Voice would still record your dictation if you held the hotkey down, but in the 19.0.0 release Voice will present a message near the Windows system tray that says, "Please do not hold the dictation hotkey down while speaking. Press it once to start the dictation and press it again to stop the dictation." Additionally Voice will stop the dictation recording if you hold the hotkey down. (B-17141, 10/11/2023; 19.0.0 b9) 
  • Fix for Voice Client Version Not Updated When Linked to iOS Wireless Mic - In the current release when you have nVoq.Voice paired with the nVoq.Wireless Microphone for iOS, updates to Voice are not reflected in Review & Correct until you relink to Voice on the Wireless Mic app. Dictations are recorded properly and appear in Review & Correct, but the old version of Voice is listed on the Detail Review & Correct page under Client Version even though Voice is successfully upgraded to a newer version. In 19.0.0 Voice will delete the ID associated with the Wireless Mic the next time Voice is updated (for example to the 19.1.0 version), causing the Wireless Mic to lose the connection to Voice the next time dictation is attempted. An error message stating, "To continue dictating reselect a Voice Client below" will display in the Wireless Mic, and a dictation with a zero word count displays in Review & Correct. You will need to re-link the Wireless Microphone to Voice before you can dictate again. You will not see this change in the 19.0.0 version of the iOS Wireless Microphone or Review & Correct until the following release of nVoq.Voice (after 19.0.0). The work-around until then is to relink the Wireless Microphone proactively after Voice is updated (see iOS Wireless Mic Manual Relink to Voice). (D-13377, 1/24/2024, 19.0.0 b79)


  • Enable/Disable Account (User) Shortcuts for Mobile Voice in Administrator - In the 19.0.0 version of nVoq.Administrator you can enable or disable the ability for individual users to run, add, edit, and delete user shortcuts in Mobile Voice. Previously this could only be configured using our API. A new Option (Mobile Voice Account Shortcuts) has been added to the Add Account, Edit Account, and Upload Accounts pages. It is enabled by default for new users. The setting can be changed for multiple users at once on the Accounts page using mass updates, and using the Customize Columns feature you can view the current status of Mobile Voice account shortcut availability by displaying the “Mobile Voice Account Shortcuts” column on the Accounts page list view. This setting has also been added to the Provisioning Settings page so that it can be enabled or disabled by default for auto provisioned accounts. When the 19.0.0 version of nVoq.Administrator is deployed on your system all users within your organization that already have the Mobile Voice shortcut property enabled at the organization level (tenant level or below) via API will have the property reset at the account level so that this data is correctly reflected on the Accounts page in Administrator. (B-17104, 11/29/2023; 19.0.0 b43; B-17457, 2/15/2024, 19.0.0 b99)
  • Improved Mass Updates for Account - There's a new way to make updates to multiple accounts at once in the 19.0.0 release. On the Accounts page when you select the checkbox to the left of accounts in the list view there is now a new icon that appears in the blue toolbar. When you click the new Mass Update icon you are taken to a new Update Accounts page. All of the accounts you selected are listed at the bottom of the page along with the number of accounts you selected, so you can be sure you have selected the correct number of accounts before you make changes. The columns that display for the selected accounts on this page are the same as those that appear on the Accounts page list view. You can change them to display the relevant information about the settings you want to update. For example, if you want to change the Enabled Through date, you can display that column to see the current Enabled Through date for all of the selected accounts before you make a change. At the top of the new Update Accounts page are the settings or options that you can change for the selected accounts. Select the checkbox next to the ones that you want to update. When a box is checked, the interface to update that item appears on this page. Only the checked options will be updated for the selected accounts. (B-16914, 12/4/2023)
  • Enable/Disable Mobile Voice Words Per Minute in Administrator - In the 19.0.0 version of nVoq.Administrator you can enable or disable the Words Per Minute feature in Mobile Voice. Previously this feature could only be updated by users in Mobile Voice, and it was disabled by default. A new Option (Mobile Voice Words Per Minute) has been added to the Add Account, Edit Account, and Upload Accounts pages. It is now enabled by default for new users. The setting can be changed for multiple users at once on the Accounts page using mass updates, and using the Customize Columns feature you can view the current status of Mobile Voice Words Per Minute by displaying the “Mobile Voice Words Per Minute” column on the Accounts page list view. This setting has also been added to the Provisioning Settings page so that it can be enabled or disabled by default for {{glossary.auto provisioned}} accounts. Users still have the option to turn it on or off in Mobile Voice. When Mobile Voice is updated to the 19.0.0 version on the user's device it will pick up the setting from nVoq.Administrator within 30 minutes if the setting was changed in nVoq.Administrator. If the setting is not changed, the Mobile Voice will continue to have the setting configured however the user had it before the new release. If the user changes this setting in the 19.0.0 version of Mobile Voice, nVoq.Administrator will display the change immediately.  (B-17380, 12/8/2023, 19.0.0 b49; B-17415, 12/13/2023; 19.0.0 b53)
  • Updated Duo Two-Factor Authentication Prompts - Two-factor authentication looks different in the 19.0.0 release for administrator accounts configured to use it. Duo now opens in a separate browser tab instead of an iFrame popup window on top of the sign in screen. You may need to allow pop-ups on your browser for the page you are trying to access (e.g. test.nvoq.com or healthcare.nvoq.com). If you have already enrolled your device, Duo will now automatically send a push so you can log in with one less click. It you have not already enrolled your device or need to add a new one, the screens have changed but it's still an easy-to-follow wizard. The new Duo prompts are already on the Test system if you would like to try it out. (B-17373, 12/12/2023, 19.0.0 b50)
  • New Note Assist Detail Report - The new Note Assist Usage Detail report shows which Note Assist audit categories have passed and failed so you can track how users in your organization are using Note Assist. Report statistics include: the date and time that a user ran an audit, the name of the categories in an audit that passed when the user ran the audit, and the name of categories in an audit that failed when the user ran the audit. It is currently impossible to view the last row of the report in nVoq.Administrator due to issues with word wrapping data in columns. The work-around is to download the report and view all data in a CSV file. (B-16772, 1/22/2024, 19.0.0 b74)
  • New Dictation Troubleshooting Data Setting - In the 19.0.0 release nVoq dictation servers can collect extended information for dictations for troubleshooting purposes, and there is a new setting in nVoq.Administrator that allows you to configure the length of time the data can be stored. On the group level Edit Organization page the Save Dictation Troubleshooting Data setting has been added to the Data Persistence section. You can select "Never" (to never store the troubleshooting data at all), or the number of days that the data should be stored. The default value is 365 days. The value of this setting must be less than or equal to the value of the Keep Audio setting (on the same page), as the audio is also needed for troubleshooting. (B-17395, 1/22/2024, 19.0.0 b81; B-1742, 2/8/2024, 19.0.0 b93)
  • New Download & Upload Organizations - You can now quickly add multiple organizations at once by uploading a spreadsheet. Use a template or download existing organizations that you want to copy to another system, tenant, or organization. The Download feature on the Organizations page has been updated to work with the new upload feature. Previously the downloaded file would only include only the information displayed in the list view (name, creation date, enabled status, and [for groups] topic). The new downloaded file includes the columns that are needed for upload (unique ID, organization name, organization level, parent organization ID, enabled status, and properties). This means that the columns downloaded do not match the columns that display in the list view. You can change the columns that display in the list view using customize columns, but the file that downloads will always include the columns needed for uploading, regardless of what displays. When you download organizations you have the option of downloading all organizations listed in the list view, all organizations listed and children, selected organizations, or selected organizations and their children. If you download one organization level at a time the Properties column of the file will include relevant properties that are configured at that level, which can be used for upload. If you download organizations and children the Properties column will only include the topic for groups. (B-17291, 2/13/2024, 19.0.0 b100)
  • New Mass Updates for Organizations - Now when you select one or more organizations in the list view on the Organizations page a new Mass Update icon appears in the blue toolbar. Click that icon to go to a new Update Organizations page where the mass updates feature works the same as it does for Accounts in this release. All of the organizations you selected are listed at the bottom of the page along with the number and level of organizations selected. The data columns that display on this page are the same as those that appear on the Organizations page list view, which you can change to display the relevant information about the settings you want to update using Customize Columns (also new in this release). At the top of the Update Organizations page are the settings or options that you can change for the selected organizations. The options available to update depend on the organization level you are viewing, and some options that are no longer applicable (like Theme for company orgs) are omitted. Select the checkbox next to the settings that you want to update. When a box is checked, the interface to update that information appears on the page. Only the checked options will be updated for the selected organizations. (B-17477, 2/14/2024, 19.0.0 b86)
  • Improved Organization Cloning - You can now copy an entire organization tree using the clone feature. When you select an organization to clone you are now given the option to include child organizations. This allows you to create an entire organization structure that includes child organizations with the same names and settings as the cloned organization. However, if you do this none of the vocabulary, shortcuts, sentence models, or substitutions will be copied to the new organizations. If you want to include those things in a cloned organization you must still clone one at a time. (B-17522, 2/15/2024, 19.0.0 b101)
  • Improved Organizations Page - The Organizations page now has its own organization menu on the left side of the page where you can view all organizations inside your tenant to which you have access. You must use this new menu while adding, editing, cloning, disabling, or deleting organizations. The Organization menu at the top of the page will change along with your selections, but is not used on this page. To navigate the menu use the caret symbol (>) next to each organization to see child organizations, and use the Filter field to narrow down organizations in the menu by name. Use the new View Organization Level menu to select the level of organization you want to work with in the list view. The list view of organizations is to the right of the new menu, and it now includes the Customize Columns feature. You can use Customize Columns along with the new mass updates feature to view the data that you want to change before you change it. Note however that columns you select using Customize Columns will not necessarily be included when you Download organizations, as that feature was updated in this release to work specifically with organization Upload. The new downloaded file includes the columns that are needed for upload and do not match the columns that display in the list view. (B-17431, 2/19/2024, 19.0.0 b102)
  • New Max File Size for Batch Note Assist Audits - Because running a batch audit using a file larger than 6MB can cause failures, the Run Batch Audit page will no longer accept files larger than that. The system will check to see if the batch file exceeds the maximum size of 6MB and will display an error if it does. (D-13425, 2/22/2024, 19.0.0 b106)
  • New Vocabulary History - The 19.0.0 version of nVoq Administrator will begin saving version history of vocabulary terms, along with the date and time the term was changed and the username of the person who changed it. You can view the history on the Edit Vocabulary page; click the new clock icon to display it. Vocabulary terms created prior to the 19.0.0 version of nVoq Administrator will show the date and time that the 19.0.0 version was deployed on your system as the modified date, and "Unknown" for the username who last modified the term in the first history entry. Modified By and Modified Date columns have also been added to the Vocabulary page list view. Terms created or modified in the 19.0.0 and later versions of Administrator will display that information in the list view, but they'll be blank for terms created or modified prior to the 19.0.0 deployment. (B-17193, 2/23/2024, 19.0.0 b106)

Bug Fixes in nVoq.Administrator

  • Fix for Deleting Organizations Above Group Does Not Send Accounts to Trash - When organizations are deleted, accounts in those organizations are supposed to go to Trash, even though they cannot be restored. In the 18.2.0 release, when a company or division organization is deleted, accounts are not sent to trash, instead they just disappear. In the 19.0.0 release, when organizations above the group level are deleted, accounts are moved to Trash. They still cannot be restored however, because their Client Group or Administrator Organization was deleted. (D-13388, 10/3/2023; 19.0.0 b1)
  • Fix for Note Assist Batch Audit Validates File, Then Throws Unhelpful Error - When running a Note Assist batch audit, if the Narrative column of the Excel file includes just a number and no text, nVoq.Administrator validates the file ("Your file looks good"), but then displays an error in the Notifications stating, "Unable to run batch request..." with a status of 400 Bad Request. The error includes no explanation of the problem. In the 19.0.0 release, a number is now acceptable in the Narrative column of a batch file. Additionally, if verification does fail for some reason, nVoq.Administrator will display a useful popup message and information in the Notifications (bell icon) list. (D-13317, 10/3/2023;19.0.0 b1)
  • Fix for Note Assist Audit List Not Available on Upload Accounts Page - In the 18.2.0 release the Upload Accounts page is not getting the list of available Note Assist audits. This means that when the Note Assist property is selected on this page, a message stating, "No Note Assist audits have been created" is displayed even if there are audits available. The work-around is to add the Note Assist audits on the Accounts page using the mass update feature after the accounts have been uploaded. In the 19.0.0 release the Note Assist audits are listed on the Upload Accounts page. (D-13404, 11/10/2023; 19.0.0 b31)
  • Fix for Okta Error When Attempting to Auto Provision Accounts to a Large Organization Tree - In the previous release if a customer has a very large and complex organization hierarchy, attempts to auto provision accounts may result in an error in Okta stating that the automatic profile push failed due to errors reported by the remove server. The work-around is to remove organizations that are not being used so that the call to the nVoq API is less than 1MB. A code change was made in 19.0.0 to allow only the organizations being updated to be returned in the API call. (D-13416, 12/15/2023, 19.0.0 b55)
  • Fix for Old Voice Client Version Appearing in Detail Review & Correct When Linked to iOS Wireless Mic - In the current release when nVoq.Voice is paired with the nVoq.Wireless Microphone for iOS, updates to Voice are not reflected in Review & Correct until the connection to Voice is re-linked on the Wireless Mic app. Dictations are recorded properly and appear in Review & Correct, but the old version of Voice is listed on the Detail Review & Correct page under Client Version. (This is not an issue in the nVoq.Wireless Microphone for Android.) In 19.0.0 Voice will delete the ID associated with the Wireless Mic the next time Voice is updated (for example to the 19.1.0 version), causing the Wireless Mic to lose the connection to Voice the next time dictation is attempted, and a dictation with a zero word count displays in Review & Correct. You will not see this change in Review & Correct until the following release of nVoq.Voice (after 19.0.0). The work-around until then is to relink the Wireless Microphone proactively after Voice is updated (see iOS Wireless Mic Manual Relink to Voice). (D-13377, 1/24/2024, 19.0.0 b79)
  • Fix for Dictations Not Reported in Review & Correct - In November and again in March there were reports of dictations not appearing in Review & Correct. These dictations used an asynchronous service to store data, and our code was updated in 19.0.0 to remove that asynchronous service. Transaction data for the missing dictations was saved and backfilled into Review & Correct. (No V1 Item, 11/29/2023, 19.0.0 v45)
